Ch.2 💜💜

554 13 5

Bella's pov.

My alarm goes off at 6:30 waking me up so I can get ready for school. I am really nervous to start at a new high school but I am going to have to deal with it. I get my phone and text Arabella.

Hey I am getting dressed be down stairs in 5 min.

I send it and get dressed did my hair and put on white sneakers. Today I chose to wear a white sleeveless dress with black tights and a black cadigan with white  sneakers. I put my hair in a tight bun. I grabbed my phone and bag an headed down stairs to wait for Arabella.

Arabella ' s pov

I woke up to Isabella texting me to let me know that she will be ready in 5 min.  So I get up get dressed in a black strapless dress , white tights,white cardigan and black heels. Then I do my hair and makeup.  I just  pinned My hair To the side and put light makeup on. When I am done with that I go down stairs to get the kids over to my father's house were one of his friends will be watching them.

When I get down stairs Kevin is throwing all his toys around. "Kevin  Willem swan when we get home I want you to Clean this up and I will be telling your mother" I yell "please don't tell mom I won't do it again." He begs. Bella hates it when he makes a mess then says it won't happen again  but it always does. " you know how your mother is so why did you do again? "  I asked "because it's fun please don't tell." He asked "sorry  still telling." I say. This is the 15th time he's done this so the punishment will be given to him by aro and he knows it. "OK kids let's go "I say as we are walking out of the house and over to dad's house. We walk in on Isabella talking to the babysitter about the kids. "Isabella they will be fine let's go we will be late" I say, "OK OK bye kids love you " she says "bye mommy love you too " all the kids except Kevin says as we walk out to the car.

Once in the car I tell bella what happened " Bella Kevin was throwing his toys around I think it's time for grandpa " I say " I agree I will call him now want me to put it on speaker?"she asks "yes" I answer. So she calls  and puts it on speaker. He answers after the second ring.

(Phone call
Ar-arabella )

A- hey iz

B- hey gradpa Arabella ' s hear also

Ar- hey gradpa we are calling because of Kevin.

A - need me to punish him

B-yes he keeps throwing things

Ar-and he was begging me not to tell bella"

A - well who am I sending to pick him up

B-i think Alec I have a feeling that we are going to need his gift you know him.

Ar- and Jane so he picks up his toys

A- OK but you serresly want them to use there gifts

B&ar- yes you did it to us and look at us now

A-OK bye have fun at school

B&ar- bye grandpa

Then bella hangs up and we get out of the van and go's to the office. We walk into the office to get our schedules "hello ladies how can I help you " she asks "hi we are the Swan sisters we just moved here" I say "OK one second please "she says and goes to get the stuff we needed.  "thanks " I say then we exit the office. I hand bella her stuff and we go our separate ways.

(Skip to lunch )

Bella's pov.

My first day was OK my teachers say that they never saw a 15 year old breeze  through a 12 grade assiment before.

 💜🏰💎 Isabella's troubled life (a twighlight fan fiction )  'Completed' Where stories live. Discover now