God Bless Texas

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Leah and I worked our way down to the lake where at the beginning of summer jessie and i had started our relationship. I had gained back most of the weight i had lost but the scars on my arms were still the disgusting pinkish colour of fresh scars. our friends had a massive fire going, i saw Chase edge his way out from behind the fire with another guy, I guess you could call him a man followed him. he was atleast as tall as myself but had atleast 50lbs on me. 

Jessie followed them out, I happily noticed she looked like a love struck puppy. 

"God she looks like a 10 year old with a crush on a 16 year old." 

I laughed until Chase body checked me and i fell over. the new guy grabbed me and yanked me to my feet, hard. 

"c'mere princess" he said jokingly as he brushed off my shoulder. even in the fading light i could see that he had tattoos on his arms. they were three black lines about 1 1/2 inches across and they twisted and overlapped and ended in a single point on the back of his hands. 

"Awesome tattoos!" Leah exclaimed 

"Thanks" he responded, not quite hiding how he was checking her out. 

"Any special meaning?"

"Yea kinda, the boys drugged me and paid the tattoo artist to do them they turned out pretty good."

Leah shot me a nervous glance "What boys?" she sounded nervous and i couldnt get why she would worry about some random guy.... 

"the guys in my unit, i'm in the military."

"what branch" Leah asked she looked turned on, oh boy this wasn't good!

"the Marine corp, but im out now thats why im here." 

"Whyd you leave?" Leah looked really interested and chase and jessie had drofted away, by the time id noticed theyd left the new guy and Leah were gone. 


After a few days we had wandered over to a arena where the local kids hung out and practiced their rodeo events. And of course the new guy was there he was riding a red bay, he had himself set up with a snaffle, mecate with leather slobber straps. he was riding in a wade saddle with a bucking strap, he rode like a working cowboy moving with his horse and knowing exactly how to work cattle. Then she pulled up in a white four door jeep, she was a beautiful girl, i couldnt place her nationality. he appeared to be asian or polynesian she looked like she could be hawaiian.  she had hair that had been dyed a mix of red and strawberry blonde, sjhe was striking and she walked straight over to the new guy. 

"hey clay" she half yelled and gave him a raised eyebrow look. 

" hows it going good looking" he seemed thrilled to see her, at least he wasnt ogling leah. 

the two of them wandered off and i went to talk with some of my friends, most were typical florida beach kids with a sprinkling of ranch kids. we all decided to head for a local lake to go swimming and have a bonfire. Clay showed up a few hours later, him and chase told us how they met. 

" when i was in the marines i was in california training woth a SEAL unit and i met chase in a bar, we had run intoi a few california fuckbiys, lets just say they couldn't fight to well." everybody was laughing up a storm 

" from what i hear Rusty you already know how chase handles fuckboys" he stared at me he stood up and marched over to me. 

"do you remember a girl named Cassie you got pregnant and then ran to Florida so she had to get a abortion?" I felt my blood run cold as ice, "she was my sister was the last thing I heard before he knocked me out cold with one punch!

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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