Just Being Boys

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The boat cruised up the lake at extremem speeds, we were looking for that perfect honey hole. Inn a $35000 bass boat.
Nothing was on my mind other than cold beer and the big bass we just kept landing. This morning started at four o'clock with us borrowing colts uncles bass boat. The four of us had loaded up coolers, beer, Rods, and other fear and headed for the lake. Arriving there around six we quickly got the boat in and were flying across the lake.
The bass just kept coming we were hammering them.

Later when the day heated up we anchored the boat and went swimming. And kept up the drinking. We weren't drunk but there was definitely a buzz going on.

We started fishing more that evening again hammering the largemouth. We. Raised over to jacks cabin and lit a fire and cooked fish burgers up. Then we pulled out the bottle and started drinking hard. We all went to bed around two and crashed in all the different rooms.

Me and Colt got up at six the next morning very hungover but wanting to keep fishing. And the morning started of right with me landing a 10lbs bass!

We picked the other guys up at ten and kept fishing, and drinking. We definitely reduced our beer consumption the second day. We stopped and went swimming again. Enjoying the cool water and the heat of the day. That night we headed back with me and colt in my truck cruising down the highway windows down enjoying the heat of the Florida summer.

As we pulled in that night after almost half a day of driving my blue heeler puppy blue bolted for the truck barking at the top of his tiny lungs. I enjoyed the cool night with a lope down the rise on paint my new horse blur tipped in exhaustion and flopped on the ground. I scooped him up and put him in front of me in the saddle. He very much enjoyed the slow walk home from his new vantage point, and by the end of the lane he was squirming with energy. Again.

That nigh us guys decided on going to a party, now this was gonna be the party of the year. A massive bonfire with lots of people going. I had loaded a cooler down with a case of beer and ten another planning on it being a really good night.

At the party I had had a few beer and this really I mean like really hot red head came up and pulled me off colts truck by my shirt and whispered. "I'm Callie"
"Well Callie let's dance"
And we danced and drank and in the morning I woke up and looked down and said " oh shit"

Two days later I walked up to Jessie's house.
"Hey cowboy"
"Jessie we need to talk" as I said it I watched her face fall.

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