For the previous few nights, Justin hasn't been getting much sleep, the same dream and thoughts prohibiting him from doing so. Usually, stuff like this wouldn't bother him, but everything breaks free at some point. His ex-wife's voice kept playing in his head, her saying I want full custody and she's better off living with me are the two phrases that kept repeating inside of his head.

He had the sudden urge for a blunt, but he couldn't. Every since he had fought for custody the first time over his daughter, he stopped drugs completely. Even though he still had urged, he tried to do activities that would set them aside.

So that's exactly what he did. Justin got up from his bed, only in his underwear. He went over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of sweats, sliding the clothing on. He then threw on a pair of Nikes, lacing up the pair of shoes. He took his phone from the charger and walk to the exit of his room, opening the door then stepping out.

He went to the garage of his house, opening the door and revealing the cold room. Since he left his car parked in front of the house, the garage was basically empty, except for the pieces of gym equipment that he had on the other side of the two-car garage, and a stereo. He immediately went over to the stereo and grabbed the auxiliary cord, plugging it inside of his cell phone. He unlocked the device and went to the music app, immediately going over to his workout playlist. Ready to relieve some stress, Justin went over to bench pressing machine, laying down on it, gripping the bar that already had weights on both sides of it. For the next thirty minutes that Justin worked out, he allowed his anger and stress fuel him, the two emotions pushing him to his limit.


Justin stepped out the shower, the steam of the hot water still lingering in the air. Justin had a towel wrapped around his waist, water still dripping down his body from his upper torso.

After a semi-intense workout (he didn't do as much as he wanted to see what time it was), he finally relieved a little of stress, something he really needed to do. Once he finished, he immediately went to the shower, now having to get ready for work. He didn't want to show up to work all disgusting and smelly.

He walked up to his counter, brushed his teeth, and after he did that, he washed his face. Thereafter, Justin removed the towel from his waist, leaving him completely nude. He opened the bathroom door and walked out, closing the door behind himself.

Justin walked over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of underwear, pulling it over his hairy legs. He also pulled out a white t-shirt and put it on himself as well. Deciding that he'd get dress later, Justin walked out of his room, taking the route to his daughter room.

Justin walked down the hallway and was about to enter Maisie's room until he noticed that the other bathroom light was on. He didn't remember leaving it on, so he went over to it and opened the door. After he opened it, he immediately was met with the sight of his three-year-old daughter brushing her teeth.

Hearing the door opened, the little girl looked over to her father with the toothpaste coating her teeth, and let out a smile. Justin couldn't help but to stand there and observe his little girl, chuckling then smile. He was proud to see his little angel doing something on her own. She was already a smart girl.

Justin approached his daughter, getting down on one knee and started to help her to her morning routine. After she spat the toothpaste, Justin grabbed her towel, wet it, then washed her face. Once they finish that, Justin put his daughter hair in two pigtails, her brown hair falling on her shoulder. He picked her up, kissed her forehead, then walked out the bathroom, cutting the light off behind them.

The two walked to Maisie's room, Justin turning on the light once they entered. Justin sat his daughter down on her bed, going over to her closet to pick out an outfit. Once he picked up a blue dress, Justin went over to his daughter and got down. He helped her get out of her night clothes, throwing them inside of her hamper. After she was out of them, Justin pulled the dress over her body, it falling down her knees. Justin got up and went to grab a pair of socks and her little slide shoes, then going back over to her and putting them on.

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