PRETEND 2/2 - Cashton

Start from the beginning

He entered the school thirty minutes later and headed straight to the library where he was sure Ashton wouldn't find him. Not that he expected Ashton would actually look for him.

Calum managed to ignore Ashton until lunch. But when he was about to sit with his soccer team, someone held him back. Calum turned around and was met by Ashton's hazel eyes.

"Can we talk?," Ashton whispered.

"There's nothing to talk about," Calum mumbled and was about to turn around again.

"Please, Calum. Please.. ," Ashton sounded so desperate that Calum just couldn't say no.

"Fine," Calum sighed.

They walked into the empty corridor that lead to the gym. Ashton turned towards Calum and nervously ran a hand through his hair.

"I am sorry Calum. I really am...", Ashton said small.

Calum rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I already gave you my opinion on that yesterday. So if that's all you have to say then please excuse me, I have places to be," Calum said and walked away.

"Calum wait!!," Ashton shouted and Calum turned around again.

"Please let me make it up to you, please. I love you Calum and I don't want to loose you like this..," Ashton begged.

"Ashton, I told you yesterday that I don't want to hide my relationships anymore. So if you are not comfortable with telling people about us then I am sorry. It just... It hurts to see you flirting with all those girls in school, Ashton. It hurts so much and you didn't even realize that...", Calums voice broke at the end. Calum used all his self control to keep himself from crying. He was not going to cry now. Not in front of Ashton.

"I...," Ashton sighed.

"Don't," Calum whispered and shoved past Ashton. He raced to the restrooms and sank down in one of the cabins, resting his head on his knees.

A few minutes later he heard someone enter the restrooms.


"What?," Calum snapped.

Ashton didn't respond. "Tell me how to fix this," he eventually mumbled, and his voice was thick with tears, "I want to fix this. Please."

"Listen Ashton. Give us some time. I think you need time to figure your shit out and I need time to get over the shit that happened over the past few weeks. Talk to me again when you have your things figured out and are ready to come out. And only then. Okay?," Calum said, his voice shaking.

"Okay," Ashton sighed and left the restrooms. Calum lingered for a couple of minutes before he decided it was time to go over to his best friends house again. He definitely needed his shoulder to cry on.

Two weeks passed and Ashton and Calum hadn't talked yet. Whenever they saw each other in school, they acted like the other one wasn't existing.

The first week was hard for Calum. He was extremely sad and didn't really laugh or smile. He didn't care about his outward appearance and just moped around. His room was a mess just like his life and he was not being himself.

That was until Michael came over to kick Calum's ass. He made clear that Calum was an independent ass bitch and that he didn't need Ashton. He helped cleaning up Calums room and went shopping with him. Calum bought a lot of cute shirts and jeans and finally began wearing them to school.

And to Calums surprise, no one said a word. He was not getting bullied for his female dressing, he even got compliments from the girls on how nice he looked.

Even though Calum was somewhat happy, he was dying to talk to Ashton. After all he still loved the older boy.


It was three weeks after the fight.

Calum was about to go get his food in the crowded cafeteria when a hand stopped him from walking any further.

Turning around he was met with Ashton.

The two boys looked at each other for a few moments before Ashton smiled small and Calum returned a soft smile.

"Hey,... Ummm... Can I.. can I do something?," Ashton asked softly.

Calum hesitated a moment but nodded slowly.

Ashton leaned in and connected their lips in a sweet kiss. Right there, right then, in the crowded cafeteria.

They parted and Ashton presses his forehead against Calums and laughed softly.

"I think I am ready."


Urgh I feel like this chapter was really crappy :( idk

I hope you like it xX

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