Chapter 4: Don't Make Me Laugh

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I love that song! Ah, my childhood, mostly revolving around Tim Curry, All Dogs Go to Heaven, and the Hex Girls/Scooby-Doo.
Above picture is Rose.
Summary: While Merlin tries to get home, Karayan tries to win over Rose. (All I gotta say he'd've won me over!)

     The next few days flew by. Merlin and Arthur travelled by sea for a few days, swimming and boating across sea after sea, usually finding an island here or there to rest on.
     After that, they found themselves gratefully on land, where they had to travel through several bandit-infested lands. After their first fight with the bandits, in which Merlin used magic and Arthur used a sword, Merlin remarked, "You fight well with a sword."
     "Thanks." Arthur remarked. "My father taught me. It was always my dream to be the greatest swordsman in the world."
     "I'd say there's a very good chance that dream will come true."
     At which point, Arthur asked Merlin about Rose. So Merlin told him as their journey progressed, everything, from the moment he fell in love with her to the moment he ended up on the ship.
     As the days passed, they continued their journey, eventually finding horses so their journey could move quicker. Finally, after yet another boat ride, when there was only a week left before the end of the Full Moon Marriage Ceremony, the two got in an argument and avoided each other. They didn't sleep at all that night.
                      * * * * *
     Meanwhile, back on the island of Paradise, the Full Moon Marriage Ceremony was highly underway. Mordred and Callista were married scarcely a week after Merlin disappeared. When there was only a week left until the ceremony was over, Elsa finally opened up to Damen's advances and they were married. In between the time when Merlin vanished and Elsa and Damen's wedding, many more Paradise-dwellers were married in perfectly planned ceremonies.
     During this time, Karayan was becoming desperate. He needed Rose to marry him but still she refused!
     One day, Rose was walking home alone. Elsa was with Damen, Callista was with Mordred, and Gwen was spending time with her father, seeing as she still hadn't been married either. While she was walking, her path was suddenly blocked by the familiar, wild-haired, blue-eyed form of Nimueh.
     "The Master wishes to see you." she said, softly.
     "Perhaps another time." Rose replied, in as cheerful and nonchalant a manner as she could.
     Rose turned around and began to walk the other way when her path was again blocked, this time by two familiar blonde-haired figures, one dressed in a long golden dress and clutching a staff, the other in a fancy blue dress and sad smile.
     "Sophia, Vivian, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
     At this, Nimueh, once again, replied, "The Master wishes to see you."
     Rose sighed and followed the three women as they led her to the king's palace. Karayan stood, pacing the floor but stood straight and tall when Rose entered.
     "Ah! There's my future queen! So when should I announce our engagement?"
     "Karayan, I thought I made myself clear. I will NEVER marry you! I love Merlin!" Karayan scoffed. "My answer is no!"
     "No? Oh, I get it! You're joking!" With that, Karayan burst into laughter. Nimueh joined him and Sophia and Vivian after her. Soon the castle was full of laughter. Karayan quickly turned on his minions. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!"
     Karayan burst into song, the girls joining in, and the lot of them began to dance, Karayan pulled Rose close to him, as they sang:

Don't make me laugh
Don't make me laugh
My funny friend
Don't make me bend in half
Don't be a card, babe
Don't mess with the king
Don't  make me laugh so hard
That we all start to sing
Don't make me laugh, hahaha
Don't pull my leg, hahaha
May I suggest
You would do best
To beg!
If you say no, miss
If you refuse
This is your notice
That I refuse to lose!
Say yes, my love
And go with a winner
Believe me
That would be wiser
Say no, poor dove
And you are a shark's dinner
And Merlin's the appetizer!
Get the picture?
Don't make me laugh, hahaha
Don't slap my knee, hahaha
I'm not one of those
So, tell me, Rose
What'll it be?
Right this way to my estate
Or write your epitaph
You choose your fate
Don't make me wait
And, baby, don't make me laugh!!

     With that, Karayan turned to Rose and said, "No matter what, one way or another, you will be mine! You belong to me! This whole bloody island belongs to me!"

Merlin Fairytale SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora