Chapter 5: In the Dark of the Night

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All ze honeys are back! Heyyy!
The above picture is Karayan.
Summary: Karayan is not happy his plan failed.

     While Rose and Merlin made their deal, neither one of them realized that they were being watched.
     A big, black wolf stood off in a corner. When he heard the news, he immediately recognized the princess. The wolf then promptly disappeared.
     Meanwhile, in a dark abyss somewhere in the middle of nowhere, a tall, dark Shadow of man stood, staring at a pool of water. Suddenly, the large, black wolf from before appeared.
     "Seth, reveal your true form."
     The black wolf transformed, revealing a tall blonde haired man:

"     The black wolf transformed, revealing a tall blonde haired man:

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

     "Master, you're alive?"
     "Not exactly." Karayan growled in both annoyance and anger.
     It had been 10 years since the night he had carried out the curse that had devastated the Swan family and half the countryside. 10 years since he had fell through the ice and "died"; his final plan failed. All these years, he'd been stuck in this dark abyss, a cell of a special kind with no entrance and no exit. And his magic had been limited. Basically, for lack of another explanation, he was stuck in between earth and hell, in limbo.
     "I am neither dead nor alive. I am undead and stuck in limbo, far from my vengeance and future."
     "But, luckily, I have good news, master: the Princess Rosalia is alive."
     Karayan perked up, immediately. He waved a hand over the pool of water he'd been standing at and a picture revealed Rose walking down a snow-covered path, following Merlin and Nyx.
     "Indeed she is, Seth, which means I still have time to finish what I started."
     "What do you mean?"
     "All these years, I knew I didn't die for a reason. My vengeance isn't quite complete...yet. But now, now that I know my princess is still alive, I will be sure she is mine. Unfortunately, my power is limited since I lost the source of it."
     "Actually..." Seth pulled out a little glass vial.
     Karayan grabbed it from Seth's hands, cackling maniacally. "Oh Seth... you've outdone yourself this time. Haha! And now that I have my power back, I can do what I set out to do 10 years ago! Now, at last, my dark powers will complete my curse, I will have my vengeance, and, in turn, my queen. And finally I WILL WIN!!!"
     At this, Karayan burst out in song:
(I slightly changed them)

In the dark of night
I was tossing and turning!
And the nightmare I had
Was as bad as can be!
It scared me out of wits
A corpse falling to bits!
Then I opened my eyes
And the nightmare was me!
I was once the most powerful man in Paradise!
When the royals betrayed me
They made a mistake!
My curse made each of them pay!
But my bride got away!
Little Rose beware!
Your king is alive and awake!!
In the dark of night
Evil will find her
In the dark of night....
Revenge will be sweet
And the curse is complete!
In the dark of night
She'll be mine!
I could feel that my powers
Were slowly returning
Tie my sash
In a dash
Of cologne for that smell!
(AN: Keep up with me, Nostalgia Critic!)
As the pieces fall into ​place
I'll see this fall into pace
Miss Rose, my love, your grace
In the dark of night
Evil will find her
Tell her it's​ the least I can do!
In the dark of night
Soon she will feel
Her nightmares are real!
In the dark of night
She'll be mine!
In the dark of night
Evil will find her
Find her!
In the dark of night
I'll rule her!
My revenge is nigh
It's the end of the night
Come my minions!
Rise for your master!
Let your evil fly!
Find her now!
Yes fly ever faster!
In the dark of night

     With that, Karayan sent his minions off on their way. He smirked, evilly. Soon, the princess would be his and then, his curse would finally be complete.

To be continued....

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