Chapter 2: Journey to the Past

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Chapter 2, guys! Woohoo!!!
Above picture is adult Rose.
Summary: Rose is out to find her family....

     Mystic Falls Orphanage was a lonely, run-down building badly in need of repair out in the middle of nowhere. The snow lay thick on the ground making Lamia, a grumpy middle aged woman, nearly slip and fall. She grumbled as she led a much younger and more beautiful woman away from the orphanage.
     "I thought this day would never come." Lamia griped at the younger woman walking behind her. "You've been a thorn in my side since you were brought here, constantly acting like you were some kind of queen instead of the nameless, forgotten orphan that you are!"
     10 years prior, one of Lamia's young assistants found a little girl wandering out in the snow, all by herself. When they'd brought the little girl back to the orphanage, they'd asked her a multitude of questions but she could not answer a one. Finally, she seemed to remember being called Rose, which became her name from then on. There was one other thing she remembered- Haven -though they weren't sure if that was where she was from or whatever.
     In any case, she'd stayed living in the orphanage, hoping that one day someone would come for her but that had never happened. Since her first day, she'd known she was different, no matter how much she looked like the other orphans. Even now, the 18 year old was dressed in a simple white peasant dress:

     Added to this was a long coat, a worn pair of gloves, and a raggedy scarf

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     Added to this was a long coat, a worn pair of gloves, and a raggedy scarf. The only thing Rose owned that made her different was a beautiful necklace:

     Wearing this always gave her hope, no matter how much she was told there was nothing special about her

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     Wearing this always gave her hope, no matter how much she was told there was nothing special about her.
     "For the last ten years," Lamia continued, "I've fed you, I've clothed you, I've put a room over that ungrateful head of yours, endured your superior attitude, and finally you're eighteen and no longer my problem!"
     Rose blew a strand of hair out her face, rolling her eyes. She'd heard this speech about a million times since she lived in that orphanage but now Lamia's wishes were answered, meaning Rose had to go out into the world and live on her own. The thought was less than appealing.
     "Well, off you get!"
     Rose walked out the gates and left that part of her life behind forever.....

     Now Rose felt lost, not knowing what to do or where to turn. As she walked along the little path toward the fork in the road, she was joined by a large black and brown wolf:

 As she walked along the little path toward the fork in the road, she was joined by a large black and brown wolf:

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     "Lyall!" Rose hugged the wolf fondly.
     Rose had found Lyall when he was just a pup. He'd been injured and Rose had nursed him back to health. Ever sin e then, he never left her side unless she commanded it of him. That was another thing; while having magic wasn't an uncommon thing even for living in an orphanage, magic like the kind that Rose had was unusual.
     As far as she could tell, she was an enchantress, an empath, and an alpha. While things like levitation and empathy were normal, Rose's power over wolves was highly unusual and considered highly unethical, yet another reason she was shunned by her peers.
     In any case, Rose and Lyall continues down the beaten path until they came to the fork in the road. Here, Rose paused; here she had a choice. To the left was the little village that Lamia wanted her to go to, the path was safe and known but she knew what her life would be like- she would always be Rose, the lost little orphan with no past and no future. To the right lay uncertainty- but that was a better choice than to live her life the way everyone expected of her.
     So off she went, singing, with Lyall right by her side:

Heart don't fail me now
Courage don't desert me
Don't turn back now that we're here
People always say,
"Life is full of choices"
No one ever mentions fear
Or how the world can seem so vast
On a journey
To the past

     Rose continued down the beaten path, avoiding strangers and exploring as she went, Lyall protecting her.

Somewhere down this road
I know someone's waiting
Years of dreams just can't be wrong
Arms will open wide
I'll be safe and wanted
Finally home where I belong
Well starting now I'm learning fast
On this journey to the past

     As Rose watched the general interactions of strangers, she felt sad that she'd never had a family. This only made her more determined that maybe she could find them.

Home, love, family
There was once a time
I must've had them too
Home, love, family
I will never be complete
Until I find you
One step at a time
One hope then another
Who knows where this road may go?
Back to who I was
Home to find my future
Things my heart still needs to know
Let this be a sign!
Let this road be mine!
Let it lead me to my past
And bring me home
At last!!!!

     "C'mon, Lyall, let's go find our future."
     And with that, girl and wolf alike, traveled into the unknown.

To be continued.....

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