Chapter 26: Tabitha

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"Fourteen. Plus whoever was inside that building," Mathias said, grimly. His hands rested on the hilt of his knives, and he looked poised to leap down there and try his luck against that creature below them.

Tabitha found it odd that the idea didn't seem as ridiculous as it should.

"Things that kill fire," Tabitha said. She looked Mathias in the eye, and added, "We need to let it fly again."

"We're not getting another chance like this one." Mathias disagreed, but glanced back at the smouldering ruins that marked the Dragon's ire. Tabitha hoped the dilapidated wreck of a building would help her point.

"We need to herd it towards the river. We can't hurt it, but we can knock it down."

"And if we fail to herd it?" Mathias asked.

"The Channel," Tabitha said, grimly.

The Channel was a man-made bend in the river. Nearly a mile long and a hundred yards deep, it was built to both surround the Bore, and if needed, flood it.

As far as Tabitha was concerned, it was a useless extravagance meant to lift the profile of the Bureau of Civic Development. If the Spire became a danger, extinguishing it wouldn't change the City's fate. Not with the Gloam.

It also wasn't clear if the river could extinguish the Bore.

"Aye, Captain," Mathias said. He didn't salute or even stand up straighter to acknowledge that a decision had been made. He didn't have to. To address her by that title was more obedience than a shadow was ever allowed to show their assignment.

Desperate times.

"Captain!" Adrian called out, as he approached. His teeth were still clenched, Tabitha could see the strain on his face as he saluted with his unbroken arm, but he was calm and precise as he spoke. Brave boy. She noted to herself that she owed Varnell a pint. "The other ship is signalling us. As follows: We need a new plan."

"I have one," Tabitha said, simply. "We're going to try to knock the Dragon into the river. We harass it until it flies over water, then hit the beast hard enough to drive it under. Tell them to keep themselves between the Dragon and the Spire at all costs."

Adrian saluted and dashed off, as she turned back to Mathias. "Help him command the guns. Two of the Valkyries on each side should be loaded with incendiary, in case the Dragon closes on us."

Mathias tilted his hat in response, before turning away and gliding down the stairway.

Tabitha strode to the wheel, and her chief engineer. "Dremora, I'll take the ship. You'll need to be here on standby, in case I need to step away."

"To duke it out with the Dragon?"

"Exactly," Tabitha said, with more bravado than she felt. Every exchange with that beast cost her a little more of herself, and the City should not be gambled on the reserves of a single scourged Crafter.

"Of course, ma'am," Caitlin replied quickly, as she stepped away from the controls. Poor girl looked like she was barely standing, and sighed in relief as she stepped away from the controls.

Tabitha clenched her teeth and hissed slowly to stifle the rage that wasn't entirely hers. When she spoke, she was surprised at how kind her voice sounded. "Go get some water. You did well."

She smiled as she saluted, and marched down the deck to the supplies. As she departed, Tabitha set the clutch for the main propellers, sending the ship surging forward.

Below, the guns stopped firing as Mathias and Adrian directed the crews to arm the guns appropriately. Each side would have four guns loaded with round-shot, to harass the Dragon at any range.

The Dragon Chase: A Tale of the Everburning CityHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin