I rolled my eyes, and swing the wood block attached to a string Mr. Tanner makes us take to the restroom with my finger. "Hey, that rhymed, I liked it." I smiled smugly as Kristin rolls her eyes, and we continued taking our time walking down the hall. "And besides government is actually one of the many classes I'm not falling behind in, thank you very much." Kristin nodded and smiled as we made our way to the girl's restroom furthest from our classroom.

            "Hey, so this weekend Jacob's got his parent's beach house to himself. We were thinking about throwing a little get together, think you could make it?"

            I took a deep breath before answering and wondered at her question. It was hard to get time for things like this. I mean I did go out at times, and left Lillian with our neighbor Alberta, but I hated the guilty feeling I had while I was enjoying my adolescence and Lilly was shipped off on someone else.

            On the rare weekends where I did go hangout with my friends and Calvin, I had him there to back me up. No one really knew why I couldn't been able to attend most parties or hang outs. Most of my friends knew, including Kristin, that my mother worked a lot and I didn't want to leave Lillian alone. The alcoholism, and ignoring of her children wasn't public information for Jane. I mean why would I want it to be? It would make my reputation suffer greatly, and I didn't need that. Especially if anyone from school found out.

            "Come on, I'm sure Calvin wouldn't mind spending some time with you anyway." Kris moved her eyebrows suggestively at me while a small smile appeared on my face.

            She didn't mean any harm by the invitation, just inviting me and my boyfriend over to chill with friends. If only she knew what this harmless invite carried for me. Especially with Calvin, yes, he knew my deep dark secret that no one else did. But like I said, we had a love for each other; an understanding. At times he would piss me off, and make life a little harder for me, but I had dealt with it because I had to. In order to keep the social status and friends, and somewhat easy part of my life going I had to. So with much Winnie bravado, I shrugged and turned the worry of the situation into not caring for it.

            "Sounds kind of boring, but I'll think about it. I'm sure Calvin would want to go." Kristin shrugged at my reply and I tried to throw the rapid thoughts of how I'm going to pull this one off to the back of my mind.


            "WHAT?!" The angry glare hardening towards my very face explodes as Anna hears Victoria's news. She's riveted and pretty much giving me the stink eye.

            "It's just for the try-outs ladies, relax Ms. Baker. It isn't the end of the world, we have a spot to fill since Natalie left and we need to fill it before the game." Victoria hands the clipboards to Kristin and Mia as she was now covering my part in the try-outs for the squad.

            It turned out that the hot and annoying tutor of mine had been somewhat right about Victoria punishing me from the squad. Well, I wouldn't say punishing, I was just opted out of co-captain duties during the auditions, but I could still practice when I could and cheer in the games.

            It mostly sucked because that meant I actually had to go to tutoring, which I didn't really want to, but it also was kind of relieving. No more putting up with Anna for a little while and actually getting work done.

            Anyway, Anna was a little upset that Victoria had named Mia as my replacement until I could show proof I was getting my grades up, and be back on captain duty. In actuality it was Kristin and I, that convinced Victoria to give the job to Mia.

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