For some reason, wherever I went I just had to dig around and find something to stick my nose into, something to do. Sitting around idly wasn't one of my strong point. I think part of the reason I was always looking for some project to do, someone to help, was so that maybe, just maybe, people would view me as useful rather than some boy with too much power.

     It never worked, but I could dream.

     I waved with a tentative smile as I caught sight of my mother, pacing outside one of the many restaurants at court.

     She waved back, and didn't look angry which relieved me. Her anger about the Prim thing had ebbed away quickly after I'd agreed willingly to come to court and finish my education here with private trainers and tutors. I'd never really done anything willing since I'd hit puberty, so I think she knew I was aware of the severity of what I'd done this time. Also, that it hadn't been my idea.

     While my mom might have not been angry anymore, I still was. Prim had violated so much, mostly my trust. My personal space. My whole being. Being bonded wasn't something that could easily be turned off, and she'd decided by herself to do this. I hoped she felt my annoyance and anger through the bond, but I wasn't sure if she did or not.

     "Where's Papasha?" I asked, using the Russian word for father than they both loved when I used. It reminded them of when I was younger.

     "Away, working with Christian on something for MOM's."

     "Aww, the good old Moroi Defense Movement. It's a never ending battle getting people to accept it." I said, just making small talk.

     "You wouldn't happen to know anything about having to fight for acceptance, would you Detka?" she said, using her Russian pet name 'baby' for me.

     "Everyone loves Mason Belikov, don't you know, Mama?" as I spoke I felt my Russian accent coming out. It'd mostly disappeared since I hadn't lived there since I was five, hadn't even visited for that matter, but it was still buried in me. 

     With all the rules and regulations others had decided to make for me traveling out of country to visit family had never really been an option, though both my mother and father had been back to see our relatives. It was bullshit, like most of my life.

     "So, what did you want to talk to me about, Mason? Don't tell me you're still on that missing persons case, a lot of the missing Moroi and Dhampirs involved were heavy drinkers, they're probably just out partying." She chastised. I'd annoyed her and Papasha with questions about the recent string of missing people at Court, but they wouldn't tell me anything. I was still in training they told me, and I could handle cases once I graduated.

     "That is kind of what I wanted to talk about." I admitted, not sure why I was so persistent. I'd gotten my stubbornness from my mother and I knew she wasn't going to tell me anything. 

     "You know what I told you, Mason, now that you're at court you can graduate early. Your father and I will train with you in your spare time and you can take the test whenever you feel you're ready. I know you'll pass, even if they don't let you use your magic." 

     I smiled, despite how I knew it wasn't that simple. "Oh, Mama, you know that's not the problem. I know I can fight better than a lot of the Guardians out there. The problem is what people are going to do once I'm out in the world. What Moroi is going to want me assigned to them?"

     She pursed her lips like she was trying to keep a secret from me.

     For the first time in a long time I was excited. "What, please, Mom, tell me. I need some good news. If you tell me I'll work on not being so grumpy all the time, I swear." The little Russian boy came out in me, that hadn't been out in awhile. I hadn't realized how draining school had been. Since I hadn't been there I'd been feeling much better.

     "Well, your father and I wanted to surprise you but we actually already scheduled your test in two days. He's actually with Lissa and Christian right now working on your temporary placement after you've passed, which we're all sure you will."

     My heart skipped a beat before picking up to it's original beat.

     She smiled as she saw the shock pass over my face, and wariness, and excitement. It was stupid to get excited when so many things went wrong in my life but... My mother wouldn't get me excited for no reason, her and my father always told me the truth no matter how bad.

     "What is it?" I finally asked.

     "Don't tell Dimitri I told you, he'll be upset, he wanted to surprise you. You've been doing so much better since you've been out of school and at court, and we talked and decided you just... You're too old for school, you've been through too much and it's no use making you pretend that you're at the same level as all of them. Like you said, most Moroi will be wary of you after you graduate... So Lissa is going to put you on the Buria case. You'll be working closely with Clarisse, you'll probably have to go to Russia. You're going to help end what started when you were born. Maybe you'll get some closure. For yourself, for Eddie, for Clarisse, for Jill, for all of us."

     I was frozen. Speechless. My parents hated letting me do dangerous things.

     She saw it in my face. "I know, Detka. We've kept you on a tight leash." She pulled me into a hug. "You're a man though, and you can... You can take care of yourself." I could hear the tears in her voice.

     I hugged her tighter. "You're really going to let me go? Can I see Nanna?"

     She laughed, tears still in her voice. "Of course, of course you can. You're going to be with other Guardians, obviously, and Clarisse. You'll be second in command though."

     I laughed, true happiness flooding me. My spirit magic perked up. I hadn't felt this good in forever, not even that midnight adventure with Prim. That had been a forbidden kind of happiness. This was right. This was what I was meant to do. Something meaningful. Something to show the world I was good, that they needed me.

    "Thank you so much, Mama. This means so much to me, I won't let you or Papasha down, I promise." I said, feeling tears in my eyes now. For once appearing weak didn't bother me. Something in my life was going right. 


Prim's POV-

     "You have so many clothes, and I hate saying this, but you almost have too many." Illiana was still in awe over my very large closet. It was a mix of royal wear, casual, summer, thrift store finds, anything and everything that caught my eye over the years.

     I was about to laugh when something passed over me, joy. Unrelenting joy, and relief, and... Freedom?

     I choke out a laugh, tears filling my eyes though I wasn't sure why. It was only a moment later I felt the glimmer of spirit magic in my mind. Mason. It was Mason.

     "Mason? Mason what?" Illiana said, instantly worried.

       "Did I say that out loud?" I half asked half laughed.  I was still giddy with Mason's joy.

     Illiana nodded. "Is he okay?"

     "He's finally happy." I whispered.

     The happiness was starting to ebb and I caught a glimpse of his thoughts, he was too overwhelmed to completely hide them from me.

     He was thinking something about Russia, about that Dhampir he'd restored... There were too many thoughts for me to keep up with.

     But then it hit me. He was leaving. He was going home.

     Something inside of me knew he didn't plan to say goodbye.

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