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I opened my eyes, and the light that was in the room flooded my pupils, aggravating the very bad headache I had.

I tried to sit up, and as I put my weight onto my elbows I could feel my muscles shaking. I allowed myself to slide back down onto the mattress. I moved my head, my neck protesting as I did so, from side to side. There was no one in here.

I noticed the wires, that led underneath the collar of my shirt. I could hear the beeping that meant my heart was still pumping. I ripped the wires away and listened as the beep sustained.

That was when the door opened and there stood my mother, looking at me frantically.

She put her hand up to her heart. "Oh god, you're just awake. I thought your heart stopped again." she mumbled.

"Again?" I echoed her, meeting her frightened brown eyes.

She ran over, pulling a chair up to my bed and offered me a frail smile.

"Whatever you and Prim did, it drained you both out pretty badly. You've both been unconscious, though Prim's been alright for the most part. The doctors say she's just exhausted."

"And what about me?" I asked warily.

"You-" she began, taking a deep breath. "We don't even know. None of us knew if you were going to wake up. In fact I should go get your father..." I gave her a look, letting her know I wasn't ready for her to leave yet.

"I'll get your father in a minute." she amended. "We didn't know if you would wake up though, Mase. We were all worried sick! There was so much spirit running through you, and is it... Is it true?"

"What?" I asked, feeling like I already knew the question she would ask. If they had looked at my spirit magic they probably could already see the tie.

"That you and Prim are bonded." she said.

I just nodded. "I swear, mom. I had nothing to do with that. It was all Prim, it wasn't me!"

She nodded in return. "I believe you. Christian and Lissa are throwing a big fit though. Prim hasn't woken up yet, but like I said she's just tired. The doctors are sure she'll be fine. Lissa want's to bring Prim back to court though, get her away from you."

I gritted my teeth. Some people might find it uncaring that my mother was laying this all on me as soon as I'd woken up. This was just how we were though, upfront. I was grateful she was telling me.

"No. Prim needs to stay here, St.Vladimirs is one of the best schools. Prim has friends here, her life is here. She's a princess she needs to stay. I'll go back to Court with you and Dad. I don't mind." my voice sounded raspy.

"Prim's not the princess anymore, Mason... Well we're not sure actually if she is. Lissa and the other Royals are going to have a vote." my mother's voice sounded unsure.

"It worked?!?!" I asked shocked, and then confused. "If Jill is restored why are you all unsure if she's the Princess? She's the next in line for the Dragomirs now."

My mother let out a laugh that wasn't really a laugh. "No, not technically I suppose. Jill's not a Dragomir anymore. As soon as she was cleared, and the doctors told her she was good to go Jill and Eddie took off and got married. They're back now but... Things are tense."

Now I was the one who let out a laugh. "They got married? Eddie Castile, Uncle Eddie, got married? How long have I been out?"

"You've been out four days. Your heart has stopped twice."

Vampire Academy: The Belikov Boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن