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Lately I've been having weird dreams. They all have different details, but there is one thing that is consistent. In each dream I have there is always a secret attic in a house. I'll tell my dream that I had last night. I don't remember most of it, but I remember the main things.

I was at my grandmas house, (I call her Judy) but this house wasn't exactly like her's. It was a bit bigger and she had a nice garden. I was in the kitchen with her and she was making me a meal, when I noticed she was putting broken glass and ashes into my food. I freaked out and yelled at her and she told me that she had been doing it for years. She has this evil smile on her face and I was terrified. We had an argument that I don't remember but I think it was about her wanting me and my brother to suffer and die. She was smiling the whole time and I can't explain how much fear I felt. I ran down the hall and into her bedroom where my grandpa Jose was sleeping. I'm not very close with Jose, but in the dream we were. I told him what happened and he was shocked, and he hid me behind the bed. We sorted out a plan to escape Judy. We decided to climb out of the window and into the garden. As we were sneaking through the garden I happened to look up at the roof and I saw a small window. It was a little tower room thingie and when I saw it I felt an ache in my chest and I yearned to go up and explore it. Jose pulled me on, though, and we escaped to the driveway. When we got to the car we thought we had escaped her, but when I looked in the car window I saw her figure sitting in the backseat. She was so still and ach I can't even explain it. Then she jumped out of the car, but after that I can't remember what happened.

That's the second time I've had a dream where Judy was evil and turned against me, and it is so scary. She is really a sweet person and I love her so much, so I don't know what my brain is up to. She does anything for us and she is a kind, loving, and generous person.

Ugh I just can't shake the fear from seeing her putting glass in my food and wishing me to die.

This dream is kinda like the one I had a few weeks ago. In that dream I was in an old house that belonged to some dead woman. I think she was my great aunt. It wasn't so much as house as it was a tower. It was only about the size of my room, but it was very, very y'all with many stories. The first story was relatively stable and made of old wood. Most of my family was there and they were packing up all of the lady's stuff. I climbed up the stairs, but it began to get very rickety and every few steps a board would come loose and tumble down. I was tossing things down to my family when someone called up and told me not to go any farther, that it was dangerous. I wanted to explore because I knew there was a secret room and I had to get to the top to find it. I had to leap from boards to boards and the entire structure was swaying in the wind. I just kept climbing because I needed to find the room. I woke up right when a board snapped from under me and I started to fall.

This is going to be a long chapter sorry. I still have one more dream :P

In this dream I'm at my grandmas house, this isn't Judy. I was going through secret passages in the walls and I spent most of the dream just exploring. I found an entrance to a little attic in the back room, but you had to do a certain thing to get in. I climbed up on some boxes and I finally got inside. I wanted to know so bad what was in the attic, and the anticipation was bubbling up in my chest. I had to know what was in there. I needed to know. I would die if I didn't find out. Then I woke up like the loser I am and now I don't know what was in there. Now the stupid attic keeps popping up in my dreams and ach it bothers me so much someone needs to let me in there or I'll scream.

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