how to feel better

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I know things are hard but this might help you get better.

1. Don't surround yourself with negativity.

Whether the negativity comes in the form of people, music, media, or thoughts, stay away from it. Being around all of that negativity will make you become a more negative person.

2. Don't stay indoors.

You may have no motivation to go outside and you would much rather stay in bed and mope, but if you go outside and take a walk you will feel so much better.

3. Friends

Choose your friends wisely. The more time you spend with them, the more you will be like them. If all of your friends are negative all the time, maybe you should reconsider. Choose to surround yourself with supportive people, but don't drag them down with you. Instead, offer them the same support and you will feel much better.

4. Don't listen to your doubt.

You are worth it, and you are important. You are not a waste of space, and people care about you, even if you don't acknowledge them.

5. Make a dream and strive to achieve it.

It really helps to have a goal for the future. I am afraid of the future and growing up. Mainly because I don't know what will happen. Recently, I decided I'd like to open up a cafe or a bakery. When I'm thinking bad thoughts I like to plan out what I will serve and what my place will look like. It's relaxing to know what I want to do in my life.

6. Music

Don't listen to negative music. Music can be interpreted in different ways, so a seemingly happy song can be a negative one to another person. If a certain song nurses your bad feelings, best not listen to it.

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