
15 1 6

I have no energy anymore. I used to love to run, but now I favor my bed and my phone. I just don't have any motivation for it anymore. I don't really have motivation for anything anymore. I used to love playing the french horn, but now it's just something I do. Why do I do it? Beats me. All I want to do is read and sleep. I don't even care for eating and drinking. It's just a bother.

I don't have the energy to talk to friends anymore. Some people I will, but with most people I just can't bring myself to talk to them. Occasionally someone says that I look sad, and I tell them no, I'm not sad. I'm just tired.
It's true. I'm too tired to be sad. That's a lie. I still am sad, but I'm too tired to care.

Do people even notice that I'm not so all over the place anymore? I used to jump around and greet everyone I knew, but now I just put in my earbuds and tune out the world. Do I even want people to notice? No, I don't think I do. If they ask me if I'm okay, of course I'll just say I am. I'm a liar and I will admit it.

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