14. Night Sky Bar

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The bright blue light surveyed the crowd. The combination of their drunk conversations and the loud music surrounding them made Stephanie wince. A club was never her go to place for entertainment. In fact, she avoided it always. She never found the appeal in such dark, loud places.

But Daniela had suggested it a couple hours earlier, she was excited for she had found a nanny for her boy and it had been ages since she had a night for herself. She wanted to include Stephanie in her all so special night, to Stephanie's demise.

She could have said no. She was planning to say no, but her mouth said yes, she'd love to, and now there she was, standing at a small circular table, booths were apparently illegal at the Night Sky bar.

Daniela was on her third Margarita as Stephanie still nursed her first one, she had a feeling she was going to be the designated driver.

"It has been forever since I had a night like this, you know?"

Stephanie nodded, any response would mean her screaming into Daniela's ear and it wasn't worth all that effort.

"I mean, after having Henry, it's like I have no life of my own," Daniela continued. "Everything is about Henry. Everything."

"That's what having children do to you," Stephanie replied.

"What did you say?" Daniela screamed.

Stephanie waved her hand. "Nothing."

Daniela had always been a beautiful girl. Her black hair complimented her light skin beautifully. Her full luscious lips made it seem as if she had lip injections which she of course didn't, she had no money for that. Stephanie always felt so self-conscious around her. She would never be at the same stage of Daniela's beauty, but Daniela was also a great, funny person. Or she was until she got pregnant. Stephanie sipped on the straw feeling the bitterness of the alcohol down her throat. She never did forgive Daniela for moving on without her. She always thought that they would both go to college, become roommates, be each other's bridesmaids and each other's child's godmother. But Daniela had to skip the crucial steps and skip to having a baby. She ruined their plans, she ruined their friendship.

Stephanie didn't know what to do with babies, so she avoided the boy and consequently, her. She had moved to Phoenix and their friendship went cold. She missed it but didn't at the same time. Just remembering she had a kid was enough to make her shudder. Is something wrong with me? She thought as she turned to look at her.

"Hey!" Daniela closed the distance between them, her lips almost touching her ear. "Those guys over there are checking us out!"

Stephanie didn't even bother to turn to look at the studs. She didn't care. She wanted to go home.

"Oh!" she awed as a waitress came over setting drinks down. "I bet they're from those guys!" She turned to look back at them, she smiled and waved. Stephanie rolled he eyes. Why did she even agree to go to this place? She was obviously miserable.

"Hey!" she screamed into Daniela's ear. "Don't you think we should go? It's almost midnight."

"Go? No, no! The night barely started. I heard it gets really good past midnight!"

"Yeah but you have a son!"

Daniela waved her hand dismissively. "He's fine! He's with his nanny, he loves her."

"Yes, but he is your child," Stephanie replied quickly. 

"I'm paying her, what's the big deal, huh?" she laughed as two men approached their table. "Hello boys!" Daniela greeted them loudly and it was embarrassing. "Come join us!"

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