3. Julio

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Julio Alvarez pushed himself from the wall and digging his hands inside the front pocket of his sweater, he walked down the street. He then turned left up the steep hill until he arrived to the biggest house in the town of Tumacacori. It was a white house with a massive front porch and the front of the house was covered with windows. He could see the expensive furniture from miles away. He rubbed his hands together from inside his pockets, the ten-minute walk felt like an eternity because of how cold it was. He could have driven his car, but he decided against it, his mother would become suspicious and he didn't feel like lying.

He rang the doorbell once and waited. He turned towards the houses he left behind and spotted his house. He then spotted his neighbor's. The yapping of the small Chihuahua brought his attention back to the magnificent house and pulled down his hood showcasing his crew cut.

"Hi," the lady in a chemise greeted him as she held her white Chihuahua in her arms. The dog sniffed and waved his tail happily recognizing Julio. "What took you so long?" she asked as she invited him in.

"Helped my mom with her car," he replied as he took his sweatshirt off and threw it on the couch.

"Awe, what a nice son you are," she replied. "I'll take Chico out and I'll be right back. I'll meet you in the bedroom?"

Julio nodded. The forty-year-old woman walked away as she spoke to her dog childishly. Her beautiful figure made Julio stare. He went to her room, he knew it very well. He took his pants off and sat on her bed, waiting.

He closed his eyes and saw the girl from across the street. Stephanie Rios, he remembered very clearly. He saw her around back in high school, usually during lunch. She always sat on the table near the exit of the cafeteria with her friend, whose name he couldn't remember. She only had one friend, he realized. And she seemed content nonetheless. Julio always found that attractive. Girls in high school begged for attention, they wanted a big group of friends always surrounding them, but not Stephanie. She was happy with one friend, and she always went by unseen, and he could tell she preferred it that way.

"Alright, I'm ready," announced Natasha as she appeared in the doorway.

Julio stood and ran his hands down her arms, Natasha smiled. He pressed his lips on hers, she responded by pulling his shirt over his head. She pulled his boxers down and turned around pressing her back against his chest, she moved her rump against him, he became aroused and pulled her chemise up to her waist, she wasn't wearing any underwear which made it easier for him. He penetrated her without any foreplay, she liked it that way. She didn't like wasting time. And he wanted to get it over with.

Natasha screamed loudly, Julio found it very irritating but he kept going.

She pulled away and pushed him down on the bed, she climbed over him, straddling him and rocked slowly, Julio caressed her breasts as she screamed even louder, that was how she liked it.

It never took more than ten minutes. Natasha was an easy woman to please, Julio guessed it was because her husband had left her five years ago and she was becoming desperate. She let herself fall on his chest and he held her, stroking her short blonde hair as she caught her breath. She liked to be touched tenderly afterwards.

He usually slept for an hour before going back home, she liked to cuddle after sex. But he couldn't sleep, his thoughts drifting away to the girl from across the street. He wondered what it would feel like having her in his arms. She was very attractive, even though she wore baggy pants and an oversized sweater, he could tell she was very sexy. He wondered how her hair would feel if he ran his fingers through it. She had thick, brown, voluminous hair and without her even trying, he always liked women with big hair. And she was very pretty. She had light brown eyes and full lips, he wondered how it would feel like if he kissed them. Her bangs, that poked her eyes gave her a look of innocence. Like she still had a lot to learn. He wondered how it would feel like to gently push those bangs aside to get a better look at her eyes.

Natasha shifted from on top of him and he closed his eyes pretending to be asleep.

He wondered how it would feel like sleeping next to Stephanie every night.

A/N: I didn't realize this chapter was going to be less that 800 words! I feel like each chapter should tell what needs to be told and to extend it for the sake of a good word count is like not my thing. Also little by little we will find out more about Julio and what makes him tick, for now, have this smut of a chapter lol Thank you for reading!

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