Chapter 18 : Who is Tritannus ?

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"Now Stella if you would please take us home."

Stella grabbed onto Brandon's hand as she felt it was something she wanted to, it was then she began closing her eyes and spoke up. "What once was lost, is now new, what once was found is now old, please take up back to the place were we once were bold."

Suddenly a light shined bright and everyone left for Alfea, what was to be next that was another thing the Winx could not predict.

Each fairy and specialist made their way through the portals. each looked around as they knew they were in the right place. Stella spoke up as she looked at the others. "This is the hall of memory's. through here you will see the past, present or future, but be careful what you ask for."

Tecna spoke up next as she opened her phone typing up a code as pictures began to pop up. "Aisha if you would please."

It was then the water fairy morphed up some seats for the guys as Tecna placed a holographic screen upon the wall. "Watch and learn, I will explain as it goes but you have to ask questions if you don't understand."

Each male nodded their heads. after that moment, Tecna began to play the hologram. "Tritannus is the young prince of Aisha's homeland, her cousin, He wanted power and lots of it, his older brother was to be ruler but instead Tritannus grew jealous he wanted to be ruler, but he couldn't though it was then Icy, Darcy and stormy came a long, who was freed from another dimension, "

Musa pipped up as she crossed her legs and sat down. "Where we thought they would stay this time, but it's just like every other time before that, The Trix are the reasons for magix downfall. "

"Musa let's not confuse them at the moment alright." Tecna spoke up again as she sighed. "The Trix are descendants of the three ancestral witches that sealed Oritel and Miriam, The king and queen of Sparx. Though no one knew this until now. countless times we have banished them and countless times they have come back for revenge. "

A picture popped up on the screen as the Trix were there next to the now angry prince. "They gave Tritannus a huge amount of power, and he transformed into a monster. Taking upon pollution and making it his power source."

Stella leaned up against a wall as she sighed. "Let's not forget the bad guys they teamed up with this whole time. Lord Darkar, Baltor, The ancestral witches. and now Tritannus."

"Were still straying off of topic, Stella they know nothing of that history with us remember." Bloom spoke up sighing.

"Anyway.." Tecna cleared her throat and continued. "After the Trix and Tritannus teamed up they aimed to get the pillars of this world with their stones they can create The Emperor's Throne that takes over all of magix. "

"We acquired the power of a syrenix fairy the most rare and only a legend power a fairy can revive. and with Syrenix we can open a place called the infinite ocean, a place where the balance of the universe is held, not only magix but the other planets as well."

Aisha pipped up. "The pillars that we know of ,are the pillars of light, control and balance. if Tritannus gets the stones from all he can build The Emperor's Throne, which is the ultimate source of power in the Infinite Ocean. When someone activates it and sits on it, power flows into them and makes them the Emperor, giving them the power to dominate the whole Magic Dimension.

Flora pipped up as she paused. "It is our job to stop them at all cost , they already have 2 the gem of light and balance, the universe is falling apart as we speak, but the last one is the gem of control, there is only one more left and we need to stop the before the throne can be built. "

Riven raised a eye brow as he felt confused and little bit anger at the fact that in this world his girlfriend was a villain.

Timmy was typing on his phone collecting all this information.

Sky paused as he was trying to rap his head around all this.

Brandon stared at Stella as he was slowly processing this fact,

Nabu looked at Aisha and spoke up first. "So your telling me, that the world is in danger because of the trix and a family member to the throne?"

Helia looked at Flora as he paused. "And what about those guys that hurt you back there?"

The girl looked at the guys and paused "So you were there at that time, I knew we were being watched." Musa pipped up as she looked at the other girls.

"That is a story that we will save for later, or later on you will learn who they are right now we have bigger problems then this, though I must ask do you have any other questions?" the technology fairy spoke up as she closed her phone looking at the guys.

I'm so sorry this is late I finally got to update it, thank you for loving this story it means a lot to me.

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