Chapter 6: divide and conquer-Tecna and Musa

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Here is chapter 6.

Meanwhile over by Tecna and Musa

"Musa hurry.. this way, were not too far off from Red fountain!" Tecna zoomed across the sky as she called out to the music fairy.

"I'm coming, I'm coming.. don't wait for me though, hurry." Musa flew behind Tecna checking around the forest.

Suddenly a branch started to break off from a old tree, As the Technology fairy flew underneath it.

"Tecna! watch out!" Musa called out as she flew right into Tecna and moved her out of the way.

"Whoa OK.. that was close, thanks for the save Musa."

"Don't thank me just yet, because here comes Anagon." Musa turned round to see the wizard.

Tecna turned around as well , as the dark figure appeared before the both of them.

"Well well if it isn't the tech fairy and the music fairy.. it's been a while since we've seen each other hasn't it?"

"Anagon.." Musa spoke up as she kept her self on guard.

Tecna took charge this time and flew right into the music fairy bringing her down to the ground, close by the guys but out of the Wizards sight.

"Musa we're almost at Red fountain, But we need to trap him and get out of here fast."

"Yeah easier said then done Tec, got any good ideas at the moment?"

Tecna looked around trying to find a logical way of getting out of this mess.

"I Got it!"

Noticing how it was starting too Rain, Tecna smiled moving her phone up and started to look at it,

"I can use the electromagnetic force of a lightning strike to boost up my powers, because the currency of the lightning will recharge my energy faster to at least 88.9 or so of a percentage, and with that force my ability will be stronger as well , hence I can trap Anagon in a force field of electromagnetic waves keeping him trapped for a while with just enough time for us to escape.

"Huh.. sorry Tec but I'm not sure if I understand what you mean there about that energy thing for your plan..I really don't speak technology language like you do."

Tecna sighed and started to explain slowly this time, "Alright Musa , here I will explain it so even you can understand this, I will use the power of lightning to charge my own powers to send it straight back at Anagon trapping him in a bubble of energy."

"Oh great .. I understand that, though there's only one problem how are you going to collect the energy of the lightning?"

Tecna smiled and looked at her phone, "You just leave that too me, I need your help though. Hmm I need you to Distract Anagon just long enough for me to charge up , And then after I hit him with a Electromagnetic Force field , you should surround him with your sound waves."

"Because I noticed the last time we fought the Wizards, Anagon was sensitive to light and sound so the Sound waves will keep him render less for a while or just for enough time for us to escape and regroup with the other winx."

Musa looked at Tecna trying to figure out everything she just said.

"Alright, so distract Anagon long enough for you to do what you need to do, and then use my sound waves against him?.. Alright I think I've got this plan figured out .. I will go do my part, good luck Tec I'm really counting on you."

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