Chapter 10: Discovered

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The Specialist end up taking Roy as a hostage to get the information that they want before even trying to confront the girls, But while the boys are busy trying to confront this other worlds specialists, the girls are stuck in the Magical Archives trying to figure out what the last to pillars of the Infinite ocean symbolized..will each team of protagonist figure out that they want too know, ..we will see.

Chapter 10

Stella , Aisha, Flora, Bloom,Tecna and Musa all followed my Griselda down to the Magical archives to more info of the rumored pillar of the Sea, or to be more specific the Pillar of light and Balance, since the pillar of Control was already taken by the hands of Tritannus, Those two where the only ones left that seemed to keep Magix safe from harm or crumbling all together.

Griselda walked up into the room as she turned around with a Sympathetic expression as her glance turned up the main six that stood in her presence.

"I'm sorry that I can not help anymore then this girls, but this is the Archive of every known Scroll and book of the universe, so I'm sure what ever your looking for it's in here somewhere."

Giving the six a nod and closing the doors, Stella looked around as she shook her head "It sure feels weird being back in here again, the first time we were in here Tecna.. Opps!" Stella stop herself quickly as she remember what exactly happened this area at this time.. "Sorry Tecna, I didn't mean it like that." Stella looked at her friend worried she may have triggered something.

Tecna sighed as she looked around, "It couldn't be helped it was the Trixs fault at the time, nothing could be done about it, lets look for the book or info that we are looking for and Start making a plan." Tecna spoke up quickly as she tried her best to ignore the conversation.

A flash back popped up in Tecnas mind.

It was back when the main 6 were trying too find the Syrenix book, Tecna ended up asking a friend of hers for help to create the perfect device to search what you wanted to find, though little did Tecna know that the Trixs had placed a curse on the Technology fairy's phone, causing her to turn into a robot, After she transformed back thanks to the help of the Winx, Tenca still dreads the day she turned into a Electronic being that had with no emotions,

End of Flashback.

Tecna shivered as she remember that horrible feeling , she felt that day, Though with a guiding hand from Musa Tecna ended up looking up from her day dream and over to her best friend, "Everything will be alright, Tecna I promise.. lets just try and find that book and then make our way out of here."

The Female nodded her head as she gave a low sigh "Your right, Thanks Musa."

Flora looked over at Aisha who cleared her throat getting all the girls attention.

"Well what are we waiting for, Winx lets find that book."-Aisha

Meanwhile back over by the Specialist.

Roy was sitting on one of the seats as his weapons were confiscated from him and his hands were tied to his back,

"Ow.. my head what..what happened" Roy felt a little bit fuzzy as he looked around his surroundings.

It was then the male lifted his head up more to see 6 figures standing in front of him chatting away.

"Brandon I think the knock out gas was a little too much.. were not the enemy's here. but your sure making it see like it." Timmy spoke up with a sigh.

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