(IV) Choice

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"Ash promise me that you will reply to your messages within three hours every day. And don't you dare forget to send me all the pics of that MUN of yours," said Radhika.

The last day of school had just come to an end. We were all torn between our feelings of glee to be saying goodbye to school for the next couple of months and a bit of premature nostalgia due to the prospect that we won't be seeing each other for seven whole weeks.

"Of course I would sweetie. You don't expect me to leave you alone during the holidays do you?" I replied a bit distractedly. It was not as if I was the only one receiving that threat, because as soon as I had stopped talking, she turned to Karan to repeat the whole process again.

Absentmindedly I wondered how many times Vivaan had to reassure her, quickly stopping myself from pitying the idiot though.

However, it was not as if I had nothing to do in the weeks that would follow the temporary pause to school life. Being the deputy director general, I had to report to the venue of YDMUN every other day and help in organising seven committees, along with completing tons of holiday homework.

After all the hugs and goodbyes, back slapping and empty promises of checking texts every hour, and a brief exchange of formal nods in the case of me and Karan; I dragged myself towards bus route number nine. Physically shuddering while imagining the wrath of my bus teacher for not marking my attendance yet again, I dropped on the last seat, trying to dismiss the unwanted thought.

No sooner had I closed my eyes in an attempt to calm the raging headache, Aryan dropped beside me and I was hit with a smell as pleasant as the one coming out of an overflowing dumpster.

As soon as my corneas were exposed to the world again they unfortunately were greeted by the devastatingly ugly sight of his grin.

He was also sweating profusely might I add.

I closed my eyes again.

"Haven't I told you thousands of times to not come near me after your dance practice sessions?"

"But I love you darling; it is a physical pain to be away from you."

"Shut up."

Alas! Not unlike most people, he ignored my wise advice.

"I legit love being in class eleven, for the first time in forever we have no holiday homework."

I knew what he was doing, that lucky commerce bastard was trying to provoke me to start complaining about my homework.

Not today buddy.

So what if I had to write seven spotting practicals for bio or complete sixty questions on mole concept or conduct that stupid psychology experiment on learning.

"You know, I think I might even be able to visit WOW a couple of times these holidays."

Ignore him, think of something else.

"Oh the bliss of spending hours on tumblr."

Think of something else, the hot Weasley twins.

"I can go swimming in the morning and the evening."

Captain Steve Rogers, imagine him.

"The library in also a major attraction."

Liam Hemsworth. Logan Lerman ...Ranbir Kapoor...Anyone?

"I can even watch all the potter movies back to back with cold coffee, cheese popcorn...oh the endless possibilities!"

I could not take it anymore; the words were out of my mouth before I could reconsider.

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