(I) Just Another Day

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Six months ago

"So no matter which stream you choose, there are plenty of careers you can make for yourself," Mr. 'I-don't-know-his-name' bowed dramatically in response to the overenthusiastic applause that erupted throughout the auditorium.

Shaking my head and chuckling slightly, I joined in and started clapping. Poor guy didn't even know that we were actually mocking him.

This was the seventeenth career counselling that the thoughtful teachers of our school had organised for our benefit.

Choosing the subjects for eleventh grade was a very difficult task. We were basically choosing what we would do for the rest of our lives, or so we were told. While these sessions were highly appreciated by me before we selected our streams, now I find them quite pointless since classes have begun and it was too late to change my mind.

Yawning through the principal's speech, which seemed incapable of thanking the guest speaker in just one sentence, I allowed my eyes to scan the crowd. They settled on the back of Karan's head, also known as my ex boyfriend.

My mind replayed our last conversation that occurred almost a month ago.

"I am sorry Ash, but I think we should end this."

A huge wave of relief hit me after hearing those words.

Honestly, I never wanted this whole 'relationship' thing with anyone, let alone with him. Don't get me wrong, he was a really good person, but I suffered from a chronic disease known as awkwardness whenever I encounted a situation even the slightest bit romantic.

And yes, that includes holding hands with any guy, boyfriend or not, or even sitting beside him. Since that ends up with me constantly debating with myself whether to show affection and risk looking stupid, or just continue sitting there and let myself drown in the sea of awkwardness.

So, of course, I was happy that I would not have to go through that every day. On top of that, I didn't have to initiate the breakup in the first place.

Wow Ashiana you're so brave.

Shut up stupid conscience!


To say he looked surprised would be an understatement, he was downright baffled. I guess he was not expecting the lack of emotion in my words, or in this case, word.
Nevertheless, he proceeded to explain the reason behind his abrupt change of heart.

"You have every right to be angry Ash, I understand, but no matter what I do, this won't work, we're not going anywhere."

'Of course we are not going anywhere you idiot' I screamed inside my head. 'We're both barely sixteen for God's sake! Even if we do continue our 'relationship' it would not end in marriage or some shit like that.'

Obviously I did not say that. My reply was far worse.

"No really it is not a big deal. The only reason I said yes to you was because Radhika asked me to, as according to her, if I didn't it might've broken our group."

Now that was something one should never say to a guy. Unfortunately, I was a second too late to realise that.

Needless to say, we stopped talking to each other after that, or rather he stopped talking to me.

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