If you feel bad just don't talk to me. Don't teach me. Did you get that" said Ragini as she jerked his hand and walked from there. "I'm your friend yar Ragzee don't I have rights to tell you anything?" asked Laksh helplessly. "You only said right I'm nobody to you Mr. Lakshya Maheshwari. So where does this friendship came?" asked Ragini turning to him. "We are just strangers now. Just strangers" said Ragini and he stared ground. "And you Mr." said Ragini moving to Karan. "Don't you dare to call my name again got that" said she showing her finger to him. Karan felt bad. "Ragzee" said Akshat dragging her to stop her from hurting Karan more.
"I'm sorry yar Karan. She is like that only can't talk nicely to anyone. Don't feel bad for her words. She is not bad from heart but" said Laksh smiling. "Laksh don't mistake me. I'm just curious to know about Ragini. She is different from other girls that's why" said Karan nervous. "Oh something something ha?" asked Laksh placing his around Karan's neck. "No no nothing like that Laksh, just" said Karan struggling. "Ohho I do understand dude chillax" said Laksh dragging him.

"Ragzee is very different from other girls. You know all the girls feel so happy when their dad calls them princess. You know what she says. Popsy don't call me those tacky names" said Laksh acting like Ragini. Her cute pouting face flashed in front of his eyes. "She always plays prank on my sister Uttara. Still like a kid always torturing others" said he and smiled remembering her mischievous face. "And the person who handles most of her torture is Popu. Bechara. But still they both can't live without each other. Oh my God they both are total dramebaazs" said he smiling widely and Ragini pulling Akshat's cheek hugging him flashed in his mind. "You know Rashmi darling I mean Popu's mom calls her Jhalli. And she is Jhalli ek number ki" said Laksh and remembered Ragini's every expression and the way she threatens everyone like Gunda flashed in his mind and he smiled widely. "But she is churail. She doesn't know how to talk to people" said Laksh annoyed. "For one second you made me feel you love her" said Karan and sighed. "Love? And that too that churail. Have you gone mad. Who can love that Jhalli. She makes everyone life hell" said Laksh annoyed. "But I love this Jhalli" said Karan in his heart looking at Ragini who was laughing teasing Akshat who was drinking water as he ate the chilli which Ragini placed in his sandwich. Laksh followed his gaze and saw Ragini laughing and his heart started fluttering with joy and he lost himself in her laugh.

"Dahi puri?" Ragini read Laksh's text on her mobile peeping inside her desk. She twisted her lips without replying and looked at the board. Laksh looked at her and when she did not reply his face fell. "Please" she read his text and turned to her left where Laksh was pleading her shrinking his eyes. Ragini sighed and turned to her desk. "Fine" Laksh read Ragini's text and his heart jumped with joy. And he disturbed the class with his excitement when he hit the desk. "Lucky" said Shrikant and signed him to stand. "Wo sir I was just appreciating your skills. How did you make me understand this equation so easily. I was cracking my head from last night" said Laksh smiling at Srikanth nervous. Srikanth smiled widely feeling it as a complement and signed him to sit and turned to the board smiling and continued the class. Ragini opened her mouth looking at Laksh who was smirking raising his collar. She waved her hand in air like you are impossible. "Ragini" called Srikant jerking her. She stood up nervous. "Don't you dare to spoil Laksh" said he in warning tone. "But sir" said Ragini but was cut in by Srikanth who said "Now sit down" Ragini sat on her bench frustrated. Laksh laughed silently looking at her and she fumed looking at him.
"This is the only thing which cools you" said Laksh handing her a plate of Dahi puri in canteen. Ragini twisted her lips with fake anger. "You seriously suck in case of faking anger Ragzee stop doing that" said Laksh as he was shocked looking at her. Ragini burst out laughing. "Seriously HK you are" said she in between her laughs. "Where is Popu?" asked Ragini looking around. "Tomorrow class test na so he went early" said Laksh and looked around nervous.
"Popu I will handle her. If you are here she will not cool down at all" said Laksh pushing Akshat inside the bus. "Fine. Leave her home on time. And tell her to text me okay" said Akshat standing at the door of the bus instructing Laksh.
"So you will come na to MM from tomorrow" said Laksh casually trying to act that he did not miss her. "No" said Ragini as she gulped the puri. "Why?" asked Laksh bending immediately. "My wish" said Ragini casually. "Fine" said Laksh. "I was just joking HK" said Ragini pulling his cheek and burst out laughing looking at his cute face. Laksh lost himself again in her laugh. "For one second you made me you love her" Karan's word ringed in his mind. "What is happening to me?" he thought to himself and brushed his thoughts. There is very fragile thin line between Love and Friendship. He did not wanted to cross it. But he was unaware that he had already crossed that line.

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