perfect. // one shot #7

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heyy! its avery, back with another one shot. i really enjoy writing ones that are based off songs. i also enjoy writing from the different pov's because i incoorporate a lot of things i find beautiful about the other. (if i make any sense) so i did the two povs like i did with "him." the one shot is based off of the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran. :)
We swayed back and forth to the music, barefoot in the grass of our picnic location. Our favorite song was playing and everything was calm.

I look at Phil, who had his head resting on my shoulder and his eyes shut, completely trusting me as we dance to the music. My arms were wrapped all the way around him, holding him as close to me as I could.

It's moments like these that I savor, because it means the world to me to be here with this man.

I continue to stare at him, imagining our future. I hope he is the man I adopt kids with, get a dog with, and grow old with. I hope he always makes me laugh as hard as he does, and I hope I can always make him smile with my stupid puns.

I remember when I first realized I was in love with him. I had been such a big fan, and we had talked for quite a while. But, the moment I answered that skype call and he sat there, smiling, I knew I was totally gone.

We were so young. We still are, but we've grown so much together. I remember being such a self conscious teenager, and I remember him being just the thing I needed. He helped me escape the unhappy times, finally giving me a person I could call my best friend, and know he felt the same way back.

I was pulled out of my daze when Phil lifted his head, looking up at me.

He kissed me softly, full of what can only be described as love.

I was so in love with him. And he was in love with me.

I grab his hand, spinning him around to the music.
He giggled, resting back on my shoulder once I had finished spinning him around.

"I love you," he said, glancing up at me.

"I love you so much."

"Dan, you look so nice tonight. I just look like a mess, I wish I looked nicer," he rambled on, putting himself down.

I, on the other hand, was taken aback by the fact that he thought he looked like a mess. He was absolutely beautiful. The moon cast such a perfect light towards him, and his hair fell over his eyes a little. His eyes shined in the light, making him look even more stunning. He was an angel, and I was breathless.

"Darling, you look perfect."
Holy shit I do not deserve this man.

Here he is, with his hair natural and curly, in baggy sweat pants and no shirt, in my arms.

Tonight was one of those nights where none of us could sleep, so here we were, swaying back and forth to the soft music, only being seen by the refrigerator light.

Despite the fact that he was taller, he rested his head on my shoulder, occasionally kissing my neck. Every once in a while, he would whisper sweet nothings into my ear, making me blush everytime.

It's moments like these that make me realize how much I love this boy.

When I met him, he was such a shy and reserved person. He was extremely self conscious, and still is, but he's gotten a lot better.

When I saw his tweet for the first time, I already had a gut feeling that he would be important to me. As time went on, the feeling began to grow and I started questioning how I felt. But that one night, when he answered my skype call, a giant grin spread across his face, I knew I was gone.

He's the type of person to seem shy or intimidating when you first see him, but the moment he speaks a word, he lights up the entire room.

I'm always called an angel, but he's the reason I have an excuse to be so positive.

Before him, I never thought I'd find someone. The thought of kids and a dog and a house just seemed so far away.
But now, everyday, I picture my life with him in a small house, with a couple dogs and a kid or to, happy and content.
The idea doesn't seem so far away now.

I look back down at Dan, taking in his every feature. He has a soft smile plastered on his face, showing a bit of his dimple that I love so much.

I reach up to run my fingers through his hair, taking in the soft curls that I've gotten to see a lot more of recently. He's gotten so much more confident with his curls, and I can't help but smile everytime I see them.

We make eye contact, and he smiles at me, and I am completely taken away by the beauty of the man in front of me.

I lean down to place a soft kiss on his lips, pulling away and returning the smile.

He shakes his head, chuckling softly.

"You're real pretty, you know that?" He quietly tells me.

I blush, as I do everytime he says something sweet to me. Before I got the chance to say something in return, he continued speaking.

"I mean, here I am, in baggy sweatpants and messy natural hair, looking like shit, and here you are, in the same thing and looking beautiful. It's seriously not fair."

I stared at him, wide-eyed, like he was crazy. The fact that he could not see how beautiful he really was astonishes me.

I was left breathless, partly from the fact that he thought he looked bad, and partly from taking in his beauty.

When I tried to respond, it came out as a whisper, but he heard it nonetheless.

"Darling, you look perfect."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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