him. // one shot #6

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hello!! been a while, it is i, avery. i just wanna thank y'all for 100 reads! thats not too much compared to others but means a lot :))
anyways, this is just a really fluffy one told from both perspectives.
Damn, was he beautiful.

Everything about him was absolutely breathtaking. His skin, his jet black hair, his lips, his eyes.

God, his eyes.

Anytime he enters a room, I lose my breath.

Anytime he kisses my cheek or holds my hand, I get butterflies in my stomach. Every. Single. Time.

He's like a drug.
And damn am I addicted.

He was sleeping, so I took the chance to admire his features.

He was always self concious about his skin tone, but I find it to be so beautiful.

His hair was beautiful as well. It contrasted so nicely against his skin and made him even more breathtaking.

His lips. So soft. He always kisses with so much love and passion.

His eyes. I could go on for hours about his eyes. Not only do they look as beautiful as the ocean, but it's easy to get lost in how deep they are. Every time he looks at me, I can't help but lose myself in them. They're such a beautiful blue.

Him. Just him. He was so self concious about himself, it's heartbreaking. But he is the most beautiful human I have ever seen.

His personality just adds to it.

When people say he's a ball of sunshine, they aren't kidding. He is probably the nicest person you could ever meet.

Sometimes, he makes me self concious. Hell, he always makes me self concious. He's so fucking beautiful. Everything about him makes you want to be a better person.

I don't know how, or why, he came into my life. I was just some loser who constantly tweeted him and messaged him. I never thought he would respond.

But thank God he did.

I mean, he saved me. Physically and mentally. When he came into my life, I found purpose. I found a reason to be here.

Man, I was just about to break. Things could not have gotten any shittier than they were.
And then he came.

He came and made me smile like I had never smiled before.
He came and made me laugh more than any other person had ever made me.
He came and made me stop cutting when I didn't think anyone would be able to.
He came and got rid of the terrible, awful thoughts I had been having. About not wanting to be here. Not having a purpose.
He made me see a purpose.

He came and made me want to be alive. For the first time in years, I had wanted to be alive.

He stirred below me, finally waking up.

"Good morning sunshine."

"Good morning, Bear," Phil replied, waking up the butterflies in my stomach.

"Have I ever told you I love you?"

"Only about a hundred times a day," Phil giggled. My heart could have exploded then and there.

"Well it's true. I love you so much. And thank you."

"Thank you for what?" Phil questioned, rubbing his eyes while trying to wake himself up.

"For everything. Giving me a life, a purpose. A reason to be here, to stay happy. You saved me, Phil. I couldn't thank you enough."

I kissed him softly, wanting to sweetly send my message of love to him.

He smiled into the kiss, making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

Every bad thing I have ever experienced fades away.

My purpose, is him.

Why did he choose me?

I mean, look at him. He's so beautiful. So breathtaking.

Dan is just, something else. Something beautiful.

I mean, he's so self concious when he shouldn't be. He's got the most beautiful features that he always desrcibes as boring. 'Boring brown hair, brown eyes. Not attractive, not ugly. Just average and boring.'

I see it differently.

His hair, it's so soft and so beautiful. I'm jealous of his hair, it's such a beautiful shade of brown. And when it's curly, God, I could melt.

His eyes, so fucking beautiful. He calls them boring because they're brown, but he doesn't see them the way I do. They remind me of autumn, where the trees turn beautiful colors and everything looks so amazing. And when they're in the light, they're even more mesmorizing. They have a beautiful shine to them that makes it hard to take your own eyes off of them.

His lips. God, his lips. He kisses so softly and so full of love, it's difficult to take my own off of them. Every time he kisses me, my stomach feels like it could explode. He's so sweet and loving.

Everyone says that I'm a big ball of sunshine, but that's probably because he's always giving me light.

He doesn't know it, but I was in a pretty shitty place before I met him, too. Sure, I had friends, but none that would choose me over someone else. I felt pretty alone, just as he has said he did.

But then I found him.

I saw all of his tweets and messages. Every single on of them.
They never failed to make me smile.

I saw him as my opportunity. My chance to find someone I could call my best friend, and for them to look at me the same way.

God, if I told myself this man would become the love of my life, I wouldn't have believed myself.
I never believed I would find someone.

But I found him, and I could never thank him enough for what he did.

I met him and found a reason to get up in the morning.
I met him and found a reason to smile before I fell aleep, rather than cry.
I met him, and he made me smile more than anyone ever had before.
I met him, and he made me laugh harder than anyone had ever made me laugh.

I met him, and was given purpose.
A reason to want to be here, alive.
This man did more for me in the past seven years than anyone had done for me in my entire life.

He's always thanking me for saving him, but he doesn't know what he did for me.
He saved me, too.

"Good morning sunshine."

"Good morning, Bear," I responded, leaving my thought and no longer pretending to be asleep.

"Have I ever told you I love you?"

"Only about a hundred times a day," I giggled. He tells me the same thing every morning, and he never fails to make me smile.

"Well it's true. I love you so much. And thank you."

"Thank you for what?" I respond with this every time, because it makes me so happy to hear.

"For everything. Giving me a life, a purpose. A reason to be here, to stay happy. You saved me, Phil. I couldn't thank you enough."

He kissed me softly, sending a message of pure love.

I smiled into the kiss, as I am always unable to keep from smiling at times like these.

"Thank you, too."

"For what?" Dan looked confused, because I never usually kept this conversation going.

"For saving me, too. I don't usually talk about it, but I was in just as shitty of a life before I met you, and you make me just as happy."

I kissed him again, wanting to show him how much I loved him.

Every bad thing I have ever experienced fades away.

My purpose, is him.

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