the end. // one shot #1

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summary: a meteor shower is heading towards earth, inevitabely about to destroy everything. they just want their last moments to be happy.

word count: 554

(written by avery.)



This is it. This is how it ends.

So many beautiful years, and it was all coming to an end. So many more years that could have been ahead of us. 


I glanced over at Phil, who was shaking and sobbing on the couch. I immediately snapped out of my thoughts, rushing over to embrace him.

"Phil, phil. Shh, it's okay. We'll be okay."

"No we won't! We had so many years ahead of us, Dan. So many beautiful memories that could have been made! Ruined by a fucking meteor shower or whatever the hell is happening. We were gonna get married, have kids. Grow old together. Shit, Dan, we haven't even come out to the fans yet."

"Phil, as scary as this is, we have to make the best of our last moments together. I love you Phil. Always have, always will. I want our last moments together to be happy."

I could see Phil a bit reluctant, as he was still panicking a bit, but he calmed himself down enough to agree with me.

I stood up, walking over to my phone, connecting it to the bluetooth speaker. I had a specific song in mind, wanting our last moments to be as special as possible.

Can't Help Falling In Love softly came from the speakers, making Phil smile a little.

I walked back to the couch, reaching my hand out to Phil. Phil accepted, grabbing his hand and standing up. I tried to properly dance, but Phil just pulled me into a tight hug, swaying to the tune of the music. By the end, we were both crying, just holding each other.

We had completely forgotten about the music, so hearing Toxic suddenly blast through the speakers made Phil and I jump back, both of us scared by the music. We both laughed a little, and I started singing along with my best Britney impression. This made Phil
lose it, so he decided to join in. We were both screaming the words to Toxic, dancing like idiots.

The song came to an end, and Phil looked at me, smiling with so much love and passion.

He was breathtaking.

I pulled him back into me, starting to cry again. A mix of happy and sad tears though, as I was with the person I loved the most.

Little Moon, by MacKenzie Bourg, began playing, and i sunk my head onto Phil's shoulder. Phil was repeatedly kissing my forehead while I softly kissed his shoulder and neck.

As the chorus began, we looked up at each other. And just stared. and stared. and stared. We just got lost in each other's eyes.

"I'll be your stars," came softly from the speakers, as Phil and I began to kiss. It was the most special kiss anyone could ever experience. There was so much love and passion.

Here we were. Our last moments on this Earth, and I couldn't help but smile.

Out of all the terrible shit happening in this world right now, I'm still happy.

I looked up at Phil, taking in every little thing about him. I loved him, so much. He was beautiful.

And he loved me, so much.

And being here, in his arms, I couldn't be happier.

"and you'll be my little moon."

And everything went black.


and that concludes the first one shot. wasn't as long as i'd hoped, but i couldn't think of anything else to add that would make it better, so i just left it as is. hope you enjoyed :)

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