George's POV:

"Oi! Lee! Where are the shield cloaks that the ministry ordered?" (G)

"Already shipped them out this morning!" (L)

"Thanks mate!" (G&F)

I checked the cloaks off our shipping inventory, while Fred starting counting how many joke cauldrons we had left. I've been in much higher spirits the past few weeks, even if I can't see Kitty whenever I want. She's basically back to normal, and the letter that Ginny sent me yesterday said that she only flinches when she's surprised now.

I smile as I think of the weekend I have planned for us next weekend, only to have Fred hit my shoulder when I didn't respond to his question. I look up from the list of inventory I'm meant to be recording to find him smirking at me.

"You know, Lee could always come help with this and you sweep up. Then you could have all the day dreams you want." (F)

"Alrigh, alrigh. I'm sorry. Say it again." (G)

We continue with the inventory list as he goes over each shelve, but Kitty stays on my mind as we do. I can only hope for the outcome I've been dreaming of, surely it'll go the way I want to it. Can't see how it could end badly as the last time, so that's a positive if nothing else is. I smile as I write down the number of lip color changing cookies that we have in stock as I think about seeing Katherine in a few days. I can barely wait to wrap my arms around her.

Kat's POV:

"What do you mean you had another dream Scar?" (K)

I was sitting with Scar, having some tea and biscuits, as was the "proper thing" to do here I suppose. When she told me she had another dream. Scar's dreams, prophetic in nature, have never delivered good news. They're scarce events, with one or two a year at most, but they can change. The dreams show her what will happen in the future, but they aren't concrete or even the whole picture of what will happen. Scar is usually the first one to say that her dreams are never concrete, but I can see how this one affected her so.

"I saw......oh Kat. It was horrible, I woke Donovan up screaming. I saw you here at Hogwarts, being tortured and punished and chained up. I.....I saw Snape allow it, he was the headmaster. I don't know where Dumbledore was." (S)

"It was only a nightmare then and not one of your dreams at all. Snape's on our side remember? It's just the pregnancy hormones, probably interfering with your dreams. You only have what a month before the little guy comes along?" (K)

I feel my stomach churn as I lie to Scar, and I think she knows I'm lying. But luckily she doesn't mention it again as we finish our snacks. She helps me fix my curls and do my makeup as I get ready for my date with George today. We're celebrating my birthday and his, since we couldn't get together for either. We're a few weeks behind, but the day should still be pun-intended.

I take a step back and look at the blue dress with silver threads running through it, an almost perfect match to the sweater that Mrs. Weasley gave me. The exception is that George gave me this. I'm left smiling as I see how Scar did my makeup to make my eyes pop, simple but elegant. I turn back towards her and give her a tight hug before we walk out of the room Dumbledore gave me as my own, and out the front of the castle.

We wave to a few students as we pass by them enjoying the sunshine while they can. I hear Scar mumble under her breath about little Dmitri kicking her again as we walk. I can't help the laugh that escapes my mouth, and it earns me a playful shrug from the mom to-be. We walk onto the main road in Hogsmeade and are met by Donovan.

"Ello Kat, ow are you?" (D)

"I'm good, excited. You?" (K)

"I am vood, your man is very nervous, it vas entertaining to vatch." (D)

I laugh a bit as Scar hits his arm and shakes her head at him, while he just laughs with me. We walk together to the Three Broomsticks, waving goodbye as we part ways in the little pub, with the two of them going towards an empty table in the room. I immediately start looking for my red-hair beau, pausing as I smell familiar scents in the air, but soon forgetting about them as I spot George. He's sitting at a table alone, facing the window, with two butterbeers in front of him. I smile as I walk up behind him, kissing him on the neck.

Hello dears! So sorry about the late update, but I've had some examinations these past two weeks that have kept me rather busy. I hope to update again in the next few days or so. Any guesses as to what George has planned? Have a wonderful week and weekend you beautiful people!
    -Love always,
                    Jane :)

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