Chapter 2: First Day of Hell

Start from the beginning

"What?" Clarissa asked.

"I just feel. . .I don't know? Violated? I feel like that's another way the humans control us. Like were animals or something." I said with disgust.

"Well it is what it is." she shrugged.

I shook my head. "I should be going," I said. "Apparently Harper arranged for this clone from next door to take me to school. Wouldn't wanna keep him waiting." I teased.

Clarissa chuckled. "Clyde's clone I'm guessing?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"That's Harper's boyfriend," she explained. "I've never met his clone before though. If he's nothing like Clyde then I'm sure he's a nice boy."

"Bye Clarissa," I chuckled as I walked out the door.

"Good luck!" she shouted after me. 

It wasn't until I had made it outside that I realized I had no idea what Clyde or his clone looked like. I also didn't know what house he lived in. This was just honestly so great! I was going to have to stand there like an idiot and hope that Clyde's clone came soon.

I took a seat on the front steps and laid my head in my hands. It was nice just listening to the early morning sounds of the world. The birds were chirping and the wind was blowing making the trees make this lovely sound. I was so immersed with the sounds around me that my heart jumped when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I expected to see Clarissa asking what I was doing but my eyes met a boy.

His hair was a lovely dark brown and looked slightly messy with this 'I don't care' look. He had beautiful hazel eyes and well he was just extremely attractive to say the least. His slightly tanned skin looked as if he was glowing. Ok so you know how clones are identical to their human and all? Well let's just say I knew why Harper was dating Clyde.

"Hey your Harper's clone right? I'm Sebastian." he spoke.

I knew I probably looked stupid, gawking at him and all, so I decided to speak. "I. . .uh. . .I'm Tatum." I blurted out. He gave a polite smile before replying.

"Cool. Listen were gonna be late so let's go." he urged.

I nodded stupidly. Man was I doing a lot of stupid things lately? I got up with the help of Sebastian and followed him to his car. Well that's if it was his car. It could be Clyde's but you never know. It was pretty impressive. It was a nice sleek silver that was so shiny that I could see myself. It was like looking in a mirror. I was able to get a quick glance at my mark and it gave me a sick feeling in my stomach. I shook my head to clear it and focused on how amazing the car looked. It looked like a modern bat-mobile; very expensive and very fast.

"Whoa," I admired. "Nice car."

"Thanks. It's not mine though. It's Clyde's. Clones aren't allowed to have cars." he replied.

My eyes widened in surprise. Well hell, what are we allowed to have?!

"I guess you could say nothing." Clyde said.

I looked at him in confusion. "Did I say that out loud?"

"Yeah you did. C'mon the clock is ticking." he chuckled. 

My body heated up in embarrassment. I bet I was making a wonderful impression. I opened the car door and slid into the passenger seat. As I was buckling my seat belt I realized I would have to suffer awkward-car-talk until we got to the campus. That was honestly going to be great. Now don't get me wrong Sebastian seemed like a pretty decent dude but well....I wasn't much of a talker. I'd only been on earth for barely a day and I already knew this. Talking to people, especially new people made me feel weird and I just didn't wanna go through that weirdness. I rather stay in the safety of my head.

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