"So you do believe is was another Alpha?"

"I think there is a possibility, but I would honestly prefer the culprit being a Hybrid over one of us."

"You have stayed truthful to the promise we made, right, Cara?" Isadonna growled as she started pouring coffee into three small mugs.

"Yes, I have." I snapped. It came out more as a warning then a response. Just mentioning the promise was getting us weird responses from our mates. I wasn't going to be responsible for what would happen if too much was said.

Growling, she slammed a coffee mug onto the kitchen counter, "Do not use that tone of voice with me, Cara Lynn! You may be an Alpha but I am still your elder sister."

"Yeah," I scoffed coming up with only a crappy response, "An elder sister that I hardly even see anymore!" So maybe yelling a pregnant Luna while her mate was in the room wasn't exactly smart, but as much as she hated to hear it, Isadonna wasn't my mother, and she acted the part way to often.

"Look," she sighed as she started to relax,"I'm just worried about you Cara. You take to many risks. There are already three Alpha's missing...I don't want to see it become four..."

"Every risk I have ever taken was to keep those I love safe...all of them..."

"But that's what help is for, love." God, I wanted to smack him for using that word. The way he said it always had my body aching, and we had both been in agreement with how we were going to go about this. "That way you don't need to take any unnecessary risks."

"Can you go away, Tiberius?"

"Nope. I actually think I'm going to stay and visit a little. You know, I would love to see what your room looks like now a days." And once again he was trying very bluntly to make his move. I had to admit, I did respect him for always being up front with me about the whole thing, but he knew I wasn't ready.

"You know, Isadonna is much better at giving tours then me."

"But I would much rather you give the tour."

"And I would much rather you get off my territory, but clearly neither of us are getting what we want."

"You're not going to be able to say no forever, Cara."

"I'll say it as long as I want to."

"How is the whole thing going anyway?" Eric interrupted out of no where. "I know the situation is different due to you," his finger pointed in my direction, "But how does the whole distance thing work?" Tiberius's face was blank. Hell, even I found it hard to explain. I hadn't rejected him, I just told him I couldn't mate yet. As long as he's not touching me, or too close, I usually operate pretty easily.

"We really don't know," I started as I tried to think of the best way to explain us, "As long as he's not near me it's like a normal day. When he is around, being away from him feels wrong. It's a struggle sometimes, but as long as I have some form of contact with him I'm usually fine."

"And you two are okay with this?"

"Yes." I said right as Tiberius growled no. Glaring at him, I found the look he gave me showing me how he really felt about the whole thing. It took everything I had in that moment not to give in to him. It's not that I don't want to be with him; he was my mate, the person I was meant to be with, but there was still something I need to do before I could settle down and start a family.

"I'm sorry about my sister Tiberius," Isadonna sighed, "She can be a little stubborn."

"A little?" He coughed making my foot shoot into his shin. Tiberius's eyes thinned out as he pretended to be in pain.

"What is this!? Gang up on Cara day?"

"Of course not!" You know that family member that basically pulls your face into their chest as they hug you? That was Isadonna, only her hugs were worse. When she hugged me my head got stuck in between her swollen stomach and swollen chest, and the moment she began to squeeze was the moment I began to struggle to breath. Why she thought one of her annoying hugs would sooth me, I still have yet to figure out. Some of days I can't help but think she does everything on purpose.

"Get off me prego!" Making sure not to use to much force, I pushed her away giving my lungs space to work. Isadonna was all smiles as she made her way back to her mate on the opposite side of the table.

"You're just jealous."

"Oh please. What makes you think-"

"Auntie Isa!" Screaming at the top of her tiny lungs, Faith came barreling through the doors at a speed that seemed almost impossible for her age. She jumped through the air and clung onto Isadonna's arm with all the strength she could manage.

"You've only been gone for a few minutes! You couldn't have missed me that much!"

"I always miss you!" She beamed.

"And I always miss you!"

"How long do we get to play slumber party?" She asked as she began to draw circles on Isadonna's arm.

"As long as you'd like my little bugbear."

"Really?" Her eyes practically turned into saucers as my sister basically told her she was going to be playing her favorite game for as long as she liked.

"Yup! Anything for you."

"Did you hear that Ara!?" She screeched in happiness. I nodded with a quick 'yup'. If only she knew how serious Isadonna was when she said anything.

So how is it that Cara and Tiberius are actually able to go about their lives while knowing they are mates?

What exactly is it that Cara and Tiberius agreed on?

What promise did Cara and Isadonna make?

Anybody sensing that Cara and her sister are hiding something big?

Please remember to comment and vote. Thank you for reading!

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