Chapter Fourteen

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^Gif is of the glorious Raffey Cassidy who plays Livvvvv Smithhhhh.


"Werewolves migrated to Australia with the outbreak of WW1," Max explained to the full room, "The human one, not the wolf one. World War One meant that the werewolves that had been fighting for Britain decided to migrate to Australia. They bred here with female humans. No female has become a werewolf as far as we know. Now the-"

"Then who were all the girls downstairs?" Kaycee interrupted. 

"I'll explain," Max narrowed his eyes, "Now the werewolf population is entirely male but the females in the family trees are all superhumans too. They control the nature around them. Where the males are a literal part of nature, the females control it. Weather, plants, animals, they all control one aspect. My own sister controls bears and so is currently working in Alaska with them. The-"

"Wait, explain that again," Aaron raised a hand to stop him.

"Say for instance, I had a child. Now, unless the mother was the daughter of a werewolf, she would be human. The child, however, would be supernatural. If the child was a male, he'd become a werewolf by the ripe age of twelve. If the child was female, she'd be able to control some aspect of nature by just seven years old. But the mother doesn't have to be supernatural for this trait to be passed on. We call the women with powers druids."

"Hold on," Ezra seemed deep in thought. I watched as he leaned forward inquisitively, "You're saying that a child of a werewolf would have a human mother?"

"Yes," Max sighed, "Unless the mother was the daughter of a werewolf herself."

"Right," he mumbled, still in deep thought. 

Max continued, "The first werewolves date all the way back to Ancient Greek times. They say the wolves that carried Artemis' cart through the snow were actually werewolves themselves. The first werewolf was created when Artemis observed a man be bitten by a wolf under a full moon. He had screamed and screamed for help but no one came. He would have died but instead she gave him the blessing - the ability to turn into a werewolf himself. It took him a while to understand what had happened but many years later he had a child with a human woman. The child was male. Two years later, they had a baby girl. The girl was able to create a cyclone by the age of nine. The boy could fully shift into a wolf by the age of thirteen. These traits were carried on through the generations."

Max spoke with a certain aura, like he couldn't even believe what he was talking about; awestruck. He went on, "Around the time that B.C. became A.D., a werewolf chose to do something. Bite a human being... This caused an uproar in the werewolf kingdom. Some decided to do the same because they saw what it could do. Biting a human makes them become a werewolf as well. You gain power and your eyes shift from orange to red, marking you as an Alpha. The first you bite is your Beta. The more you and your Beta bite, the bigger your pack becomes. After WW1, the wolf one, it became illegal to bite a human. the packs were growing too big, it was growing too complicated and there were too many fights. Many, like the Crimson Lake pack, obeyed this. Others, like Red Tribe, didn't."

"What did they do?" I whispered, entranced.

"They continued biting. The problem?" Max raised an eyebrow directly at me, "The full moon. The-"

"What about the full moon?" Ezra leapt at the chance to ask.

"Stop interrupting me!" Max shouted suddenly, making everyone but Ezra jump. 

Ezra's glare narrowed slightly. I would rub his back or hold his hand to console him but I was supposed to be mad at him for ordering me around. Besides, why would I hold his hand? We aren't dating... but it did feel wrong to be mad at him. It was like there was a hole in my chest. 

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