"Newsflash," Jungkook hissed. "That was at her wedding."

His mother gave an exasperated huff. "Reverend Myung refuses to allow it as part of the ceremony. We'll just do it here." She looped the ribbon around Taehyung's wrist.


Tae grinned and gave Jungkook a shrug.

There was no way he could get out of it now.

His mother wound the ribbon around their arms and hands, weaving it in and out, making knots in various places as she spoke to the crowd about the commitment of marriage and how it would bind them together forever, trailing off when she got to a difficult part of the binding.

"Can you hold this?" she finally asked Taehyung, handing him one end of the ribbon.

Tae looked like he was about to break into a fit of laughter, but he pressed his lips together as Jungkook's mother fumbled with the other end. After two minutes, Jungkook and Taehyung's arms were hopelessly tied and knotted together. Ae-ri beamed, holding her arms out as if she'd pulled off some great accomplishment, like curing cancer or creating the world in seven days. Instead, she had manufactured a tangled mess that Jungkook was certain nothing less than divine intervention or a pair of sharp scissors could undo.

The partygoers graced the bizarre performance with a weak round of applause, but if Ae-ri was disappointed, she didn't let on. Jungkook's mother started to pick at the knots—a hopeless task—but stopped when a woman approached her.

"Ae-ri-ssi, we have to go, but thank you so much for inviting us to such a beautiful party." She glanced at Jungkook and Taehyung, her gaze dropping to their arms, which were trussed up like an unwanted Christmas present, before returning to their faces. "Congratulations to you both."

"Let me walk you out," his mother called after the woman.

"Mother!" When his mother didn't so much as glance at them, Jungkook released a heavy sigh and gave Tae a sidelong glance.

An ornery grin spread across Taehyung's face. "It may be a little late for this question, but how do you feel about bondage?"

Jungkook was grateful that the darkness hid the blush that rushed to his cheeks. "W-We need to find a pair of scissors," he stuttered.

"I could cut us loose." He gave a tiny shake of their joined hands. "I'm ambidextrous after all."

"I'm sorry about this."

"I think that may have honestly been one of the top five odd experiences in my life." Taehyeon might have said the same thing, but it would have been dripping with derision. Jungkook could tell that Taehyung was genuinely amused.

Despite his suggestion to find scissors, Jungkook still tried to pick at one of the knots with his left hand. "Stick around a couple of days," he said dryly. "I'm sure we'll be able to trump your entire top ten list."

"This is a good look for you, Jungkook." Hoseok joined them, giggling. "You're usually so straight-laced. Oh, wait. You are laced."

Jungkook shot the elder a glare.

"But usually when a couple does the bondage thing, the mother isn't the one tying them up."

Tae burst out laughing.

"Shut up, hyung." Jungkook chuckled in spite of his mortification. "Find some scissors."

"I'm tempted to—"

"Scissors. Now."

Hoseok took off for the kitchen, still laughing.

Jungkook looked around for his father, but he realized Seongjin taken off while Ae-ri was busy hog-tying him to Tae. Gran was nowhere to be seen, but Jimin and Yoongi were making their way toward them with two glasses.

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