When she first heard word of her idiot brother so openly defying her father in front of the Wizarding community over a girl, she immediately grew interested to learn who this girl was. She began following Riley's every movements after the trial was over. Anna was surprised when she saw Riley wasn't involved romantically with Luke, but the Cleveland boy who was restored from being a tree. Seeing their auras made all the sense to her as she stalked Riley from the Cleveland's house to Riley's own that day.

She was surprised Riley was so sweet in person, always kind to everyone she spoke to. Her conversations with Kenny got a little to sappy at times as Anna would storm to Chelsea's room to hear the juicy gossip. She worked hard to avoid her brother, trying her best to make him loathe the cat so he wouldn't snoop and discover the truth before she was sure she could be saved.

She did this to make sure Riley would be the one able to save her. She wouldn't want her poor brother getting his hopes up. That had already happened to her once when Kenny was first awoken from the tree. He had stayed with Devan and her a couple of nights to get adjusted to the present before moving in with the Cleveland's. She ha approached him for help and was dismayed when he revealed he wasn't strong enough. She was surprised he played along in keeping her secret when Riley moved in with the Cleveland's.

When Riley disappeared with Luke for several months, Anna had been frantic. Her one chance to become human again had slipped through her paws before she had the chance to ask. It was hard seeing everyone so upset by the teenager's disappearance.

Many nights she would sleep in Chelsea's room listening to her cry herself to sleep. What was even more heartbreaking was watching Kenny as he would find himself in Riley's room, staring blankly at the wall as his body would shake with silent tears. He had become a ghost of a man when she was gone, not sure what to really do with himself after fighting so hard to save Riley only for her to disappear into thin air. At least Chelsea attempted to get by as her and Nathan struggled along together to live their life.

She was so furious when Riley returned to the present. It was also the moment when she realized that Riley would be able to save her. She knew her brother would react the way he did when Riley revealed her plans on reviving Anna. After living through so much loss and heartache over his short lifespan, it was easier for him to accept that his sister was really gone instead of risking having his hopes crushed if Riley failed. When she finally let him read her mind and not make random cat noises when he tried, she was pleased to see the hope return to his eyes.

She sighed as she realized she had been lost in her thoughts again. Living as a cat for seven years was hard adjusting to being human again. She was so used to lounging around as she would let the warmth of the sun hit the fur on her back or stalking her prey in the late hours of the night, pouncing for the kill. That, and naps; she loved the naps. Luke would give her odd looks at the amount of naps she wanted to take now.

"Anna, what do you want?" Luke asked as he pointed to the different kiosks in the cafeteria.

She pointed to the one serving fish, licking her lips at the thought of how juicy fried fish would taste as her teeth slowly ripped the flesh apart.

"Anna, you're thinking like a cat again," Luke smirked. She hissed at him as she shoved him forward to order the food.

"Two fish and chips please," Luke stated. 

Anna eyed the fish hungrily as she glanced up at the boy serving her food. He studied her, fighting off a blush as she watched him, her big blue eyes innocently blinking.

He wasn't the guy who normally worked here and wasn't familiar with her routine. He could easily be trained like the other guy was. She pointed to the fish, holding out her lip as she pulled on the kitty cat eyes.

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