Chapter 12-Lullabye

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I woke up long enough to witness the chaos that ensued after the paramedics arrived. Nurses were running around shouting out medical jargon to one another and I heard the phrases 'severe head trauma' 'concussion' and other phrases. I could turn my head just enough to see my truck completely crushed upside down against a tree. Carefully turning the other way I saw Chris unconscious on a gurney being loaded into the ambulance. That was all I saw before slipping back into unconsciousness.

When I woke up next, it was to the steady beep of a heart monitor. I felt awful and my neck burned something fierce. Looking down I saw my arm in a cast and I could feel the stitches on my head. I whimpered at the thought of Chris being hurt because of me. I looked around the bright white room, oh how I hate white, I thought to myself. Through the window I saw Devin and Maxx walking toward my room, I quickly closed my eyes feigning sleep. I listened as the door opened and closed and someone sighed. "It's been three weeks do you think she'll ever wake up?" Maxx's gruff voice asked. "Of course she will. She has to." Devin snapped back. "But what if she doesn't? You know there's a possibility that she might die!" Maxx said loudly. The door clicked open and shut again, "If you two keep going at it like that she and half the corridor will wake up so lower your voices and don't sass me Maxxwell." A feminine voice said. Maxx muttered something and there was a smacking sound followed by a groan. I fought to bite back a smile. Candy loved Maxx like a son but she didn't put up with his crap. I decided I had had enough, it was time to wake up.

I cracked open my eyes slowly, the lights were still really bright. I heard a gasp and looked to my right to find my brother, mom, and best friend standing by my bed. Maxx was the first one to notice. I watched as tears filled his eyes and spilled over, racing down his cheeks. Devin followed and laid his head down by my neck sobbing. Candy only shed one tear and had a huge smile on her face. "Hey sweetie, how do you feel?" She asked gently. I tried to say fine but my mouth wouldn't open. I tried again to open my mouth to tell them I was fine. My eyes grew wide and I whimpered. Why couldn't I talk? From the looks I was getting I wasn't the only one surprised. Maxx, forever being the mind reader stated, "She can't talk. She's mute." Devin looked up sharply. "What the hell do you mean 'mute'?!" I laid my hand on his arm to calm him. He looked at me and sighed. Before Maxx could reply, the door opened yet again. Only this time, nothing good came through.

A/N so I'm thinking the chapters might just be shorter for the most part as I don't use my computer often and I keep coming up with good cliffys. I'm sorry this is unedited I've been sick and busy with school stuff but I wanted to update. Comment what you think and share this story please? Tell your friends about it, your parents or even your teachers. I'd love as much input as I could get. Title is Nickelback's song Lullabye.

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