Chapter 14: City Lights

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I woke up content for the first time in what felt like forever. I always slept well when Jade was in my arms. girlfriend. The love of my life. I looked down at her lovingly. She was so beautiful, and not just on the outside, but her personality made her even more beautiful. I shook her gently to wake her so we could get breakfast. "Jade, Jade baby, time to wake up." She didn't stir. My worry quickly turned to panic when I shook her shoulders hard and she still didn't open her eyes. "Jade! Jade! Devin! Devin get in here!" I heard footsteps pound down the hallway. "What? What is it?" Devin asked. "She's not waking up. Call an ambulance!"

Scrambling for the phone Devin dialed 911 and gave them the address. He then called Dr. Wharton and asked him to join us at the hospital. The ambulance arrived a few minutes later and I watched as they loaded Jade onto the gurney and drove away. Devin and I hopped into the car and followed quickly behind, pulling into the ER parking lot just seconds after the ambulance. We stood by helplessly as they rushed her off to the ICU.

Dr. Wharton showed up half an hour later, looking extremely worried. "How is she?" he asked softly. I shook my head. "No news. Dr. Wharton this is Jade's biological brother, Devin Sola. Devin, this is Jade's doctor." They shook hands and spoke quietly for a few moments. As they were talking, I spied a nurse walking over to us, and walked over to meet her. "How is she?" I asked. "She's stable, Mr. Green. But unfortunately, and for reasons we haven't uncovered yet, Jade has slipped into a coma. We don't know how long she will take to recover, or if she ever will. Is there any way we could speak to her physician?" I nodded and motioned for Dr. Wharton to join us. I walked back over to Devin and told him what I had learned. He collapsed heavily into one of the plastic chairs, and buried his face in his hands. "I'm going to lose her aren't I?" he whispered brokenly. "Don't think like that! Jade is strong, stronger than you know. She'll pull through this." She has to... he thought to himself.

Days passed, but with no change in Jade's condition. Tension grew between Devin and I, the stress making us snappish. Motionless in White had canceled the rest of their tour when they learned about Jade's condition. Even Chris, who hadn't spoken to Devin or I in weeks, came over regularly to support us. Candy regularly brought the younger children in to see Jade, they made her cards and piled the hospital bed high with stuffed animals and favorite toys, hoping that their love would make her better. The days slowly crept by and turned into weeks, the weeks into months. After three months, I was alarmed to get a call from the doctor. We rushed to the hospital at his request. Standing outside Jade's hospital room, the doctor informed us of a new development. "This is both exciting, and very concerning news. We overlooked it in previous tests. Devin, Maxx, Jade is three months pregnant." All noise stopped, even though he continued talking. I swayed, and the last thing I saw was the ground rushing up to greet me.


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