Chapter Eight: Introducing Jaden Sola

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Deepest Shade of Jaded

Chapter Eight

                "Do you guys have backstage passes?" Devin asked me quietly. I nodded and pulled them out of my bag handing them to him. He looked at them to make sure they were the right kind and handed them back. "C'mon we've got to get ready we go on in ten. Chris if you want that smoke break, you'd better take it now." Chris nodded and slid down the wall, pulling a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of his front pocket. I had smoked before, had an addiction to it. I had quit when I got into sports but occasionally still had one or two. I reached into Maxx's pockets and grabbed his pack and lighter. He rolled his eyes and nodded that I could have them. "Leave some for me Jade. You know how I get when I don't have my smokes." I laughed and promised him that I'd leave him one. Maybe.

                Sitting against the wall by Chris I lit one up and took a drag. "You don't seem like the type to smoke. You seem too, high class for that." I chuckled softly, "I really shouldn't. I quit a couple years ago when I started making music and playing sports. You guys actually helped me do that you know." "We did? That's really cool. But it doesn't seem like you quit completely." "Once every now and then I have one. It helps to keep the blackouts at bay. Which is definitely something I'm going to need if I'm to get through this concert. I don't need Devin freaking out the first time we meet after eleven years." "So you really are his little sister huh. There's one thing I don't understand though. He said his little sister's name was Jaden, but you said your name was Jade. Why is that?" I shrugged. "I guess it was part of the memory loss, just like how I couldn't remember my last name or really anything up until these past two years. My brain probably just lost the –en off of the end. My doctor said it was my mind's way of coping with the trauma. And believe me there was a lot of trauma. No child should have to go through what I did. Or what Devin went through. I thought about him every day after I started to remember. I always wondered if he had forgotten about me. I guess today answered that. But I don't know what is going to happen now. He's famous and you always tour. I have a home, a school, a boy...." I trailed off quietly when I remembered Alex and I were no longer together. It hadn't bothered me the last week but now I was upset again. "You have a boyfriend?" he asked uncertain. I shook my head. "No. I did for two years, but two weeks ago I found him sleeping with one of the girls on my cheer squad." He frowned. "Cheer squad, you're a cheerleader?" I nodded feeling the blush creep up my cheeks. "I'm the captain of the Cheer Squad at Watermount High. I do a lot of things people wouldn't expect first seeing me. For instance I play every sport, not on teams but I pitch in here and there. I tutor other students, and I'm a teacher's assistant, meaning I help grade papers in every class. I have this free period every day and people always ask me for help with things so I'm basically teaching and coaching all hour. And that's just in school. After school it could be anything from cheer practice, to my music, to writing stories and taking pictures, to practicing for gymnastic competitions, and sometimes I manage to be able to go to the skate park by my house." By the time I finished talking I was thoroughly embarrassed and Chris's jaw was practically on the floor. "Wow. I guess you weren't kidding." He looked at his phone and cursed quietly. "Come on we have to go in. Can you sing?" I nodded slowly. "Good, I want you to sing tonight. I want to change the set list for tonight. You and Devin can sing 'How You Remind Me' by Nickelback and then you and I can sing 'Angel Eyes' by New Years Day. You know those songs right? Can you play them?" I nodded. "Honey, if I can write my own symphony I can play a few songs on a guitar and sing them." He grinned and we went inside. I handed Maxx his pack and lighter back. "Chris there's only one thing. I don't look even halfway decent for this!" He had been talking to the other guys quietly about the set list change. Devin looked ecstatic. He pulled me over to a box that I was assuming extra merchandise. He handed me a crop top with MIW scrawled on it in cursive. "That with the jeans should work; especially with the makeup you did, which by the way is amazing." I laughed and made them all turn around. Switching shirts I looked around for a good acoustic guitar. Finding one, I ran my hands over it. It wasn't what I was used to but it would work. "Motionless you're on in two!" I heard someone call. Maxx still seemed a bit confused but I couldn't be worried about him right now. I needed to focus on the show. I turned to Devin and quickly worked out what we were doing then asked the others if they knew all the parts for Angel Eyes. They nodded and I grinned. This was going to be awesome. "Maxwell aren't you proud of me? I get to go sing with the big boys now." He laughed. "I'm always proud of you Jayybear." He kissed the top of my head softly and hugged me. "Motionless you're on!" Everyone ran out onstage but I stayed back practicing the fingering for How You Remind Me. When I knew I had it down I watched them perform. My brother was doing amazing. He was just so lost in the music and the rhythm. After the song ended Chris motioned Devin up to the mic stand. "Now you all know the amazing Devin "Ghost" Sola, and he has some amazing news for you guys." He handed my brother the mic and smiled. "Hey guys. Not many of  the fans know this, but a long time ago my sister went missing. For a long time I thought she was dead. But today, I managed to meet her face to face for the first time in eleven years. She's here tonight, and she's going to sing with us for two of these last songs. Give it up for my little sis Jaden Sola!" I winced at the name change, but ran out with a smile on my face, guitar in hand. The other guys walked to the side of the stage leaving me and Devin out. He handed me a microphone and I adjusted it to where I was sitting. "Hi guys, I'm Jaden Sola, but I go by Jade Stryker. My awesome brother and I are going to be covering an amazing song by one of my favorite bands. If you know the lyrics, feel free to sing along. I started strumming the guitar, and Devin started tapping on the drum he was sitting on.

Never made it as a wise man, I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing;

Tired of living like a blind man, I'm sick of sight without a sense of feeling.

And this is how you remind me. This is how you remind me of what I really am,

This is how you remind me of what I really am

.It's not like you to say sorry. I was waiting on a different story

This time I'm mistaken, beforehand you were a heart worth breaking

And I've been wrong; I've been down into the bottom of every bottle.

Despite the words in my head screaming are you having fun yet? Yet? Yet? Yet?

No no. Yet? Yet? Yet? No no.

It's not like you didn't know that. I said I love you and I swear I still do,

And it must have been so bad; cause the other women musta damn near killed you

And this is how you remind me of what I really am, this is how you remind me of what I really am

It's not like you to say sorry I was waiting on a different story

This time I'm mistaken, before hand you were a heart worth breaking

And I've been wrong, and I've been down into the bottom of every bottle.

Despite the words in my head screaming are you having fun yet? Yet? Yet? Yet? No no!

Yet? Yet? Yet? No No. Yet? Yet? Yet? No No. Yet? Yet? Yet? No No.

Never made it as a wise man, I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing;

This is how you remind me. This is how you remind me.

This is how you remind me of what I really am; this is how you remind me of what I really am.

It's not like you to say sorry, I was waiting on a different story.

This time I'm mistaken, before hand you were a heart worth breaking

And I've been wrong; I've been down into the bottom of every bottle.

Despite the words in my head screaming are you having fun yet? Yet? Yet? Are you having fun yet? Yet? Yet? Yet?

Are you having fun yet? (The words in my head) Yet? Yet?

Are you having fun yet? (The words in my head) No no.

                As Devin and I finished singing the song, the audience applauded loudly for us. I was a bit out of breath but I was pumped full of adrenaline. I looked at Devin and hugged him tightly. I waved at the crowd. "Thanks you guys. Now I have to go for a bit, but I'll be back later!" I said into the microphone and walked off to side stage where I received five very large very tight hugs. "That was my little sister Jaden. Isn't she amazing? Don't worry we aren't done embarrassing her yet. She'll be back later. But first a few more songs." Everyone ran back onstage and started playing AMERICA. It was such a good song it spoke loads about the problems in America and how a lot of people felt. Maxx came up and hugged me spinning me around. I laughed and hugged him back. "You were amazing out there! I can't wait until you're up there playing your own songs with your own band." I sighed. It made me think about how much of the future was unclear. What if Devin wanted me to go with him? We had eleven years worth of catching up to do. I wasn't sure I was prepared for that. I sat down on the couch and watched the boys run around stage jamming out with their fans. It was amazing the amount of energy you could feel radiating off of them. This was where they felt the most comfortable. I didn't know if I could do that. I had a life. Was I prepared to give it up if Devin asked me to? Would I be able to leave Maxx?

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