Chapter 13: Devil's Night

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A/N: Okay everyone, so I'm officially back. I couldn't get access to this account for the longest time so I actually put up a different account. But I managed to get back on here, and deleted the other. I'm so excited to finally be able to update again. I've had so many ideas for this story. My deepest apologies for not having updated sooner. Also, I couldn't find any sites that listed the names of Devin's mom or dad so I made them up. -J


Recap (Because I know you need it): I cracked open my eyes slowly, the lights were still really bright. I heard a gasp and looked to my right to find my brother, mom, and best friend standing by my bed. Maxx was the first one to notice. I watched as tears filled his eyes and spilled over, racing down his cheeks. Devin followed and laid his head down by my neck sobbing. Candy only shed one tear and had a huge smile on her face. "Hey sweetie, how do you feel?" She asked gently. I tried to say fine but my mouth wouldn't open. I tried again to open my mouth to tell them I was fine. My eyes grew wide and I whimpered. Why couldn't I talk? From the looks I was getting I wasn't the only one surprised. Maxx, forever being the mind reader stated, "She can't talk. She's mute." Devin looked up sharply. "What the hell do you mean 'mute'?!" I laid my hand on his arm to calm him. He looked at me and sighed. Before Maxx could reply, the door opened yet again. Only this time, nothing good came through.


I watched as the two people I loathed most in my life walked into my hospital room. "Oh my God! My baby! I can't believe it! We'd given up hope that you were still alive! I'm never letting you out of my sight again!" my birth mother screeched. I winced at the sharp tones of her voice. I glared at her, and tapped Devin on the hand. He gave me a guilty look. "Sis, I had to call them and tell them. You were in a terrible car accident. I tried to avoid it."

Our mother let out an indignant shriek. "Devin Sola! How dare you speak of your father and I like that!" "Shut up, Mother. Everyone here knows the truth about what happened so save us all the massive migraine called your voice and quit lying." Huffing, she pushed him out of the way and reached out to stroke my hair. "Baby, my sweet baby, I've missed you." I flinched and tried to scoot away from her. Thankfully Candy stepped in and grabbed Lorraine by the wrist. "I suggest you keep your hands off of my daughter, unless you want me to have security remove you and your husband."

"Excuse me? Your daughter? Jaden Sola is my daughter, I gave birth to her, the ungrateful wretch."

"That girl isn't Jaden Sola. Her name is Jade Stryker. She is MY daughter, because from the day you decided to abandon her at a park, I have raised her and given her the love she deserves. Now get out." My mother glared at Candy, but walked to the door. Before she left she turned and said, "I will fight for her. And you will lose. That bitch is mine and belongs to me." Then she slammed the door behind her and my father. Devin sat on the side of my bed and stroked my hair, calming me down. "I won't let them take you. I'll fight for you. I'll go to court and tell them everything that happened when we were kids. They won't get to you. I promise."

Maxx finally spoke up. He had been so quiet that I almost forgot that he was there. "I think you should stay with me once you're released Jayybear. If they try to hunt you down the first place they'll look is at Candy's. No offence meant Candy, but your house is not the safest place for her right now."

I shook my head. At some point someone had laid a pad of paper and a pen on my lap, I picked it up and scribbled a quick note onto it. I want to stay with Alex. I'll be safer, she doesn't know him, and I'll be close in case Candy needs me.

"No. Absolutely not. You aren't staying with him. Not after everything he's done to you." I shook my head. I wasn't going to back down. I just kept pointing to Alex's name on the paper. Devin shook his head. "She's right. Mom and Dad won't know to look there. She'll be safe."

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