Chapter Four: Visit to the Doctor

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Deepest Shade of Jaded

Chapter Four

                When I woke up next, I was in my bed and Alex was sitting in a chair next to me. He looked really upset and worried. “You took longer to wake up this time. I think it’s time to go see Dr. Wharton again.” Ever since Miss Rainy found me, Dr. Wharton had been my physician. I nodded. “We’ll go tomorrow before the game.” He shook his head, “No, I already called him. He’s waiting for us at his office.”

                Sighing, I got out of the bed and wobbled downstairs to the car. We drove in silence to the hospital, and walked up to the office.  Dr. Wharton greeted me brightly, and motioned for me to sit on the examination table. “What’s troubling you my jewel?” he said. I smiled at the nickname I had earned. “I blacked out again, but Alex said it took longer for me to wake up. I saw Devin again. He was calling to me, telling me to come with him. Then I woke up.” The older man frowned and wrote something down on the chart in his hands. “Well you know that when you black out it’s your mind’s way of piecing together your past. The things you see are flashbacks, memories of things that happened when you were a child. I am however worried about the length of time you were unconscious for. Alex how long was she asleep this time?” he asked. I looked at Alex and he took a deep breath, “Two hours.” I gasped slightly. I hadn’t realized it had been that long since practice. The doctor’s eyes widened slightly and he scribbled something on the chart again. “I’m afraid that I have an idea of why the black outs are lasting longer. Your mind is beginning to grasp for things, it’s pushing itself to remember every detail. In doing so, it’s causing you to stay unconscious for longer periods of time. What I fear is that at some point in time, you might slip into a coma.” Alex looked shocked, and I’m sure I did too, a coma? “Would she wake up eventually?” Rubbing his eyes, Dr. Wharton shook his head. “I don’t know.”

                Alex and I drove home in a dazed silence. We had already been told that there was no way to stop the black outs, and now we found out I would probably slip into a coma. I needed to call Maxx.

                Maxx Green was one of my best friends, and although I did have feelings for him, I knew that Alex was the one for me. I loved him like a brother, or so I told everyone. I know he saw right through me.  I pulled out my cell phone and dialed his number, letting it ring. I heard Maxx pick up, “Hello?” I didn’t know what to say. I could possibly die and it was all my parents fault. I let out a choked sob. “Hello? Jade? Jade what’s wrong? Are you crying?” I swiped at the tears rolling down my face, “M-maxx, it’s Jade. I n-need you to come over. I have s-something to tell you.” “I’ll be right over, just hold on.” I hung up and cried into my hands. Alex was looking at me oddly, he didn’t like Maxx to begin with, and he hated knowing I let Maxx into my room. At times it really got on my nerves. We pulled up to the house and I got out, thanking Alex for the ride. He turned off the car and handed me the keys. See most people thought Alex was a foster kid like me, but he wasn’t. He lived next door to us and since we were together, he spends most of his time at Candy’s house with me. I bade him goodnight and shut the door in his face. I knew it would only piss him off but I needed time to figure out how to tell Maxx what was going on before he got here.  I went up to my room and cried into my pillow at the unfairness of it all. After a while I heard my door open slowly and someone came over and wrapped their arms around me, pulling me close. I could tell it was Maxx by his biceps, they’re huge. He kissed the top of my head and let me cry some more. Finally I sat up and wiped my eyes. “Maxx, Alex and I went to the Doctor today.” He didn’t say anything, just raised an eyebrow and waited patiently for an explanation. “He told me that my blackouts were getting worse, and that my brain was trying to remember all the details of my childhood, and in doing so I would probably go into a coma and there was a possibility I wouldn’t wake up.” I started sobbing again and he hugged me tightly. “Oh Jayybear, I wish there was something I could do. Do you want me to stay here tonight?” he asked kindly. I nodded, knowing he wouldn’t try anything with me, until I was in a relationship with him and ready for that. He pulled the covers over us, and I fell asleep in my best friend’s arms. 

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