Chapter 49

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Aayat had always wondered how her life would turn out if her parents were alive. She would have had a normal childhood with loving parents. She wouldn't have had to see such an ugly side of life.

Even without her parents, she still had a chance of having a somewhat normal life if she would've ended up with normal foster parents instead of Sayyed.

She definitely wouldn't have been stuck in this hellhole.

Aayat felt her wrist burning because of the ropes. Every part of her body was aching.

She couldn't even remember what was it like to be physically pain free.

Aayat couldn't take this anymore. She needed to get out of here.

She needed Mitch.

She had hope that eventually Mitch would save her but she couldn't be dependent on someone.

This was something she had to do herself.

After all she was raised to be a terrorist.

So she did have the skills to get out of here and she even had a plan for it.

A dangerous plan.

Two men entered the cell Aayat was in. They were shocked to see the state Aayat was in.

Her head was drooped down and there was absolutely no movement in her body.

"What's wrong with her?" Goon#1 asked

"Lets check it out." Replied goon #2

Goon#2 yanked her head up and saw her eyes closed and her skin pale.

He checked her pulse but couldn't find any. She wasn't breathing either.

"Shit is she dead?" goon#1 asked in panic

"Oh god, it looks like it." Goon#2 answered

"What do we do?" goon#1 asked

"We need to get her out of here, get her checked up. Maybe she still has a faint pulse. But we need to do something before the boss comes back." Goon#2 said

They both untied her ropes and dragged her towards the door.

Suddenly they heard a sharp intake of breath and in a blink of an eye they were both passed out on the floor.

Aayat then started taking deep breathes before regaining herself. She chuckled to herself thinking how stupid Sayyed was to teach her how to stop her pulse and heartbeat for a few minutes.

She quickly grabbed the weapons on sight, covered her face with a cloth and left the room.

Aayat got in the elevator and got out of the death chamber.

But of course luck decided to leave her side that moment because as soon she reached the ground floor of the hotel, few of her foster father's men recognized her and attacked her.

She shot every one of them but suddenly she felt an arm around her neck from behind.

Aayat struggled to breath but she managed to kick the person in the groin and he immediately pulled away from her in pain. She elbowed him in the face, grabbed his arm from behind and flipped him over.

He fell to the ground with a loud thud and yelled in pain. Aayat pulled out her gun and shot him straight in the forehead.

Now to get out of Goons Town, she thought to herself as she ran out of this hellhole.

Sorry for the short chapter guys. I didn't have time at all today with uni work and midterms coming up soon.

Next chapter will be long!

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