Chapter 33

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Mitch was sitting on the outdoor lounge chair at the front porch with Aayat on his lap and her head resting on his chest with his arms wrapped around her.

Mitch sighed, "I wish we could stay like this forever."

"Yeah if only we could stay here in our own little world", she sadly said

Aayat suddenly stood up and Mitch sat upright.

She paced around the porch and asked "How did you even find this place?"

"Google does wonders you know" he smirked

She chuckled. But soon her smile fell when realization dawned upon her.

"You came to Turkey for a mission with other agents. Won't they be looking for you?" she asked

"They're in Istanbul. They will be back tonight." He replied

Aayat looked at him sadly "It means you have to go back tonight, and so do I"

Mitch stood up and cupped her face in his hands, "We'll figure this out don't worry."

She walked outside the porch, "There is nothing to figure out. We can't be together, they won't let us be together" she said frustratingly.

It started raining as if the sky was mocking their fate.

Aayat just stood in the rain; she didn't bother to come inside. Mitch removed his jacket and draped it around her. She slightly flinched at his touch but then relaxed. He stood in front of her and looked straight in her eyes, "I know things seem bad right now. Nothing seems positive, but I will do something okay. We will be together, I promise you."

His eyes were filled with determination and love. She gave him a small smile "I believe you"

He smiled back "Now lets go inside and enjoy the little time that we have right now."

Mitch and Aayat prepared lunch together. They made pasta, chicken corn soup and baked a chocolate cake (according to Mitch, they should be celebrating right now).

They would've finished an hour early but while baking the cake, Aayat playfully threw some flour at him and Mitch threw some pasta back at her and that resulted in a big food fight. They spent the next hour laughing and mocking each other and also cleaning the kitchen simultaneously.

They cleaned themselves up and had lunch (what was left of it).


Later, they sat on the couch in the living room and started a bonfire.

"What are we going to do after this?" Aayat asked him

Mitch looked at her and took her hands in his "First I want to know, are you willing to leave Sayyed and the Islamic Jihad and come with me?"

For a minute Aayat didn't say anything. She was thinking about all the events in the past. How Sayyed took her in and raised her. She felt like she was in some military school her whole life. Sayyed never even sent her to school and let her have friends. She was homeschooled. All she did was train, study and train. Aayat couldn't even recall a time when she smiled or laughed before she met Mitch.

Mitch was right; she would've had a better life if she were alone on the streets than being with Sayyed.

And Mitch was the best thing that has ever happened to her. She would do anything to be with him.

Aayat still hadn't answered his question and Mitch was starting to internally panic. What if she's having second thoughts and decides that she doesn't love him enough to leave Islamic Jihad.

His thoughts were interrupted by her "I am willing to leave Sayyed and come with you" she smiled

He sighed in relief and grinned.

"But even if I do leave the Islamic Jihad, the United States government won't let me be free like that, they will either capture me or kill me and I know that most likely they will kill me." She explained

"Yeah, I know. I was thinking the same thing", he said

Suddenly Aayat's eyes brightened up "We could run away"

Mitch gave her a weird look and then chuckled "Run away?"

"Yeah we can run away to a place where no one can find us and start our new lives." She said

He again gave her a weird look "As appealing as that sounds, we can't do that Aayat."

Her face fell "Why not?"

"Because its not practical" he explained and continued, "I can't just leave my job like that and besides even if we do run away, its no use. The CIA would find us even if we hide in a cave in some mountain in Tibet. Trust me its impossible to escape from them." He explained.

Aayat didn't argue any further, she turned towards the bonfire and gazed at it.

She was upset.

And the last thing Mitch wanted to do was upset her especially now that they just have few hours left together.

He pulled her into a tight hug. She was taken aback by his actions but soon relaxed.

"I would do anything for you Aayat. I want nothing more than to just be with you but we have to think practically." He said, still not pulling away

Aayat rested her head on his shoulder "I know, I'm not upset about that. Of course we can't run away. I'm upset because I know there is no way. We just have to give up on this dream of ours."

Mitch felt his shirt getting wet by her tears.

He pulled away, wiped her tears and assured her "There is always a way. I will find a way okay. But please don't give up on us like that."

For a while neither of them said anything until Mitch suddenly asked "Aayat is Sayyed here in Turkey?"

"No, he was in Turkey but he left few days ago. He didn't tell me where he went because he doesn't seem to trust me. He is suspicious that I helped you escape from the basement the other night." She explained

"Okay so did he tell you what to do over here?" he asked again

"He told me to talk to Uzuner about the fundings" she replied

Mitch nodded and was in a deep thought.

"Mitch what are you thinking?" she asked

"You have to gain his trust." He suddenly said

Aayat was confused "What?"

"You need to gain his full trust only then will he tell you about his further operations and you will give me all the info." He explained

"Oh-kay" she said, unsure of what he was up to

As if he read her mind, he started explaining "Look you need to play double agent and help us capture him and everyone he is working with because right now we need to deal with this before he kills more innocent civilians. And I have a plan on how to get the CIA to stop chasing you. But for right now you need to help me capture him"

"I will help you", she said confidently.

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