Chapter 29

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They were all in flight. The plan had taken off 20 minutes ago. All the passengers had fallen asleep except for Mitch. He was sitting on the window seat with a drooling Rupert next to him with his eyes shut.

Mitch chuckled. It reminded him of the first time he went to Istanbul with Rupert drooling next to him. He was going through Shaikh's file in the plane that time and came across Aayat's name as Shaikh's intern.

If someone would've told him then that this girl would become the most important person in his life and that he would let her go alive despite of her being a terrorist, he would've laughed in their face.

But now the more he thought about her, the more his heart ached for her especially now that he knows she feels the same way about him.

Mitch was aware that so many innocent people lost their lives because of her action. She deserved punishment for her deeds.

But a part of him also knows that she is brainwashed by Sayyed. She spent her whole life under his shadow. Mitch just needs to snap her out of it.

He looked out the window and was greeted by the beautiful sight of the moon. It resembled just like the moon light lamp he gifted her and also their first date when she narrated him the story of how her dad would take her to the countryside to gaze upon the moon and stars.

He smiled.

Things would have been different if Aayat's parents never died. She would've been raised in a loving family with a good upbringing. She would know to differentiate between right and wrong.

But again she does know the difference between right and wrong. She herself said that she doesn't have a choice and she chooses wrong because of Sayyed. Maybe he threatened to kill her if she doesn't follow his orders.

Basically she is Sayyed's puppet and Mitch had to break all her strings free from Sayyed.

But again if he somehow were able to change her mind and convince her to join him, how would he bring her with him? Sooner or later the team would know about her being with Sayyed. They would kill her.

But Mitch had made up his mind.

He wouldn't let anything happen to her.

He and Aayat will be together.

And he was willing to fight the world for her.

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