Chapter 11

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Above picture is Mitch's gift to Aayat :)

Mitch went to the location where Aayat was busy organizing The Istanbul Music & Dance Festival.

He went inside the theatre where he saw her on the stage, designing props and the set.

She saw him and instantly smiled "Hey stranger"

"Hey" he smiled back

"How did you know I was here?" she asked curiously.

"I have my ways" he replied, truthfully, he just tracked her phone.

"That's creepy you know" she joked

"Call it whatever you want. I just wanted to surprise you", he said as he walked towards the stage

She walked towards him as well "Well you did surprise me and I must say it was a pleasant surprise"

He smiled and handed her the gift which he got her "For you"

"For me? But why?" she asked as she took the gift from him

"Its just my way of saying thank you for helping me with my article"

"Oh you didn't have to really"

"Well I did, are you going to open it or not?" he asked

She nodded and started unwrapping the gift and gasped when his gift came in view.

It was a beautiful moon night lamp.

"Asher, how did you know?" she asked, astonished

He smiled and replied "I noticed a lot of your accessories have little moons on them, like the pendant of your necklace and your bracelet"

Her eyes started tearing up as she admired the moon lamp.

Mitch was starting to get worried because she was tearing up instead of smiling at the gift he got her.

"Did you not like it?" he asked hesitantly

"No no, I love it really. It just reminded me of somebody", she said as she wiped away her tears.

A voice interrupted from upstage

"Hey Aayat, can you show me the spot light for the dancers on the stage for their duet?" a guy asked her.

"Yeah sure, just give me a second" Aayat put the gift inside her bag and turned to Mitch.

"There is going to be a duet dance here when the festival starts and I have to show Carl the spotlight for it. Will you help me? I can't do it alone" she asked

Mitch realized what she was asking him to do, his eyes widened and he shook his head "I don't know how to dance"

Aayat rolled her eyes "No one is asking you to dance, just follow my lead."

She took his left hand and placed it on her waist and his right hand with hers. The spotlight hit them as the music started and they started dancing.

Mitch felt like he was going to explode with the amount of different kinds of emotion going through him all together at once.

He felt his heart beat faster, his stomach churn, his breath hitched in his throat and his palms getting sweaty.

He was so close to her. Their face just inches apart from each other. They both were looking deeply into each other's eyes. Mitch didn't think he has seen anything as beautiful as the girl in front of his eyes right now. Aayat looked at him with same smile she always has as if dancing was an everyday thing to do but to Mitch this was a complete foreign feeling. He couldn't even breathe properly. He has never felt this way before. Mitch didn't even realize the music stopped until Aayat spoke "Umm Asher?"

Mitch snapped out of his daze "What?"

"The music is over" she said, confused by his actions

He saw that he was still holding her in his embrace. He slid his arms off her waist and let her go.

He was taking slow deep breaths to calm himself down. Aayat noticed that and asked "Asher are you okay?" concern laced in her voice.

Mitch calmed down and looked at her "I-I felt d-dizzy" he stammered

Aayat started laughing "You got dizzy just by one dance"

Mitch didn't say anything, he was just looking at her, admiring her. His eyes widened as realization hit him like a truck.

He had fallen in love.

He had fallen in love with Aayat.

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