Chapter 37

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Above picture is of Assef Sayyed


Sayyed parked his car outside a fancy restaurant. He went inside the restaurant and was greeted by Kattan Amari.

"Assef its so good to see you old friend." Amari greeted as he hugged Sayyed

"Good to see you too Kattan." Sayyed greeted.

The two men sat down and feasted on their dinner.  The entire restaurant was empty other than the bodyguards standing outside.

"I heard Uzuner and Deniz were killed last night and all the money was stolen." Amari said as he ate some salad.

"Yeah and now we have people breathing down our neck about this." Sayyed said as he ate some bread with hummus.

"Who do you think did this?" Amari asked

Sayyed snorted "Obviously its those American assassins. What pisses me off is that Aayat was there at Uzuner's place when the attack happened and yet she didn't do anything. After that she suddenly goes AWOL and Raziq said she came back saying that she had to take care of some business and get the assassin who killed Uzuner off her back"

Amari narrowed his eyes in confusion "What are you trying to say Assef?"

Sayyed looked up at him and said, "What I am saying is that she is working with the Americans. She even helped that CIA assassin escape from the basement where I locked him up in Moscow."

Amari was shocked "Aayat? Our Aayat? She is working with the Americans? Come on Assef that's impossible. She would never do that to you, you are like her father."

Sayyed said in a low voice "Yeah that's what I thought as well. I never thought she would betray me Kattan which is why I tried so hard to believe that she didn't help that boy escape but I know she did. Aayat lied to me! She said she was just spying on him and his partner in Istanbul but the truth is she interacted and befriended him."

Amari took in the information and now understood the picture "So she fell in love with him."

Sayyed gave a sarcastic laugh "Love is such an overrated term. But I guess that's what it is if she is going against the Islamic Jihad and helping them."

His expression then became cold and grim "I am going to kill her when I go back to Ankara."

"Don't do that!" Amari suddenly said

"Why not! She is a traitor." Sayyed said

"If she is playing you, then you play her back. Use this newfound love of hers for this assassin to your advantage." Amari explained

He was on to something, Sayyed thought, "Continue"

"Aayat will be giving them every single information about you as well as your location, she will think that she is helping them but in reality she is leading them right in your trap." Amari explained

Sayyed nodded "Hmm that can be possible."

Amari continued, "With our funds gone, we cannot steal the Russian weapon without any help and also we have to answer those who invested in us. So right now we need to deal with the Americans."

Sayyed thought about what Amari said, "You are right. I could use Aayat's newfound love to my advantage. I won't go to Ankara. Instead I'm going to lead the Americans here to Beirut and then Aayat will know what happens when you back stab Assef Sayyed."

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! :)

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