A little catch up- chapter ten

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Anna didn't dislike going outside in the 'real world', she just preferred to stay indoors and to be alone. To be honest, she has always been like that, opting to stay as much time in the safety of her own little area and only taking big walks to release her trapped energy. Not the healthiest of things, but it worked for her. Now though, she did much more than go for long walks, you know, killing people. So the time off she has is usually spent indoors with food, Netflix and listening to music. But there comes a time when every human being must go out and buy the necessary items for everyday life.

This was one of those times.

She wondered through the shop, picking up and plopping in whatever she needed. It was a weird feeling, walking around with people as they had no idea who she was. Anna was always cautious that someone would notice her, whether it was from her father or from her... other profession.

Another thought that popped into her head, is one of a certain Red Hood. She didn't know what he looked like. He could be there. Following like some creeper.

"Just pay and go." She whispered to herself, heading over to the self-checkout area.

''Hey there, stranger.'' A voice sounded from behind.

Was that him? Red Hood? Anna turned around with a scowl, but her eyes bugged when she saw a familiar, goofy, stupid smile.

Dick Grayson.

"Oh..." Anna twisted around to him, blinking up at him. "Dick, what are you-"

''-It's a supermarket, why else am I here?'' He responded holding up a bag full of his own personal necessities.

"Oh... yeah, right, yeah..." Anna awkwardly smiled up at him. "I... uh... I'm just gonna, pay..." She shuffled back around screeching internally as she put the money in and picked up her bag.

"Do you mind if I walk you out?" He asked, hand reaching for the back of his head, scratching.

She flushed, hesitantly moving towards he exit. "I guess..."

They both walked in silence.


Why did she have to be socially awkward in that moment? She knew Dick, it shouldn't have been that hard? Oh right, it was because he lied to her about Jason, about what he did, what Dick still does. But she guessed she couldn't stay mad at him. Dick was never the one to intentionally hurt someone's feelings.

But, technically, they're enemies. She killed people for a living. He stops her. How could she ever think to be on the same page as him?

After what she has done? After who she's become?

"Have you been ok?" He asked as he rubbed his arm.

Anna glanced up at him, partly coming out of her thoughts. ''Yeah, you?''

''I'm good.'' Anna looked up at him, and he looked down. She tried to smile, she really did, but it came out like a deflated balloon.

Dick smiled back at her, leaning against her shoulder with his elbow. ''You wanna grab a cup of coffee? There's one down the street from here. Unless you have frozen food in there.'' He laughed lightly.

Anna pondered for a moment. Should she? The fact that she was letting him lean against her was some proof that she liked him. "The only thing frozen is my ass out here, so maybe a coffee is a good idea." She nudged him with body, smiling down at the ground weakly before glancing back up at him.

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