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The next morning I woke up and noticed i was left alone in a empty house once again. I groaned and made my way into my bathroom. Since the incident that happened yesterday between Cody and Derek i've been quite frightened becuase I don't know if Cody will make another move on me again but why would he? Derek made it pretty clear to him to keep his hands off me and Cody got pretty beat up so why should I be worrying? I shrug off the topic out of my head and stripped out of my clothes. I jumped into the shower and began my routine. Within' ten minutes I finished my shower. I stepped out and wrapped my towel around my petite body. I walked over to my sink and began brushing my teeth. Once that was finished I grabbed my brush and started brushing my hair. I accomplished with brushing my hair and dried my hair which took about five minutes. I grabbed my straightener and plugged it in and began to striaghten my hair. Once I finished that I looked into the mirror and smiled into the mirror. My hair was straight to perfection and my chocolate brown hair stopped to almost my waist which I was thankful for. It wasn't too short nor too long but just perfect. I picked up my makeup bag and took out macara and lipgloss. I applied the black macara to my eyelashes without messing up. I left the lipgloss in the bathroom and walked out into my room. I picked up my bra and underwear and put those on. I walked to my closet and grabbed my white crop top and my mint green high waisted skirt and threw it on. I also grabbed my white converse and socks and threw those on aswell. I walked back into my bathroom and applied lipgloss to my lips. I looked up to the mirror and smiled once again at my reflection. I grabbed my bag and my phone and with that I walked out the door to school.


I finally reached school on time and I walked through the doors. I walked through the hallways to my locker. I finally reached it and I opened it and grabbed my math textbook. I also looked around for my notebook and a pencil. I finally found what I was looking for and grabbed the items. I threw them into my bag that was on my shoulder. I finally closed my locker and saw Kasey standing beside me.

"Jesus Kasey, you nearly gave me a heart attack." I said while putting my hand to my chest.

"Sorry." She giggled, "How was detention yesterday?" She asked looking at me. My mind flew back to when Cody nearly tried to rape me and Derek saving my butt and then serenading me by saying i'm his girl. Oh and I rode on the back of his motorcycle..

"Uh, it went well." I said shaking off the thoughts in my head.

"I heard Derek was suppose to be there." I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Who told you that?" I questioned her while she twirled her hair with her index finger.

"He's 'Derek Smith'." She said using her fingers as quotation marks at his name. I laughed. We decided to walk through the halls for the remainder of the time waiting for the bell to ring for class. I noticed some girl who had a really short black tank top on that showed her stomach and breast and she had really shorts on with heels. Her beach blonde hair looked like a birds nest and her makeup looked like she was going to audtiton as a clown. I nearly gagged while looking at her. She looked like a plastic, fake barbie doll. I noticed she had her hands all over some boy I can't see because his back was tunred to me and he had his hood up. I saw him pull his hood down and turn around to face a group of friends that had approached him. It was Derek but why did that girl have her hands all over him? Was he enjoying it? Did he like her? Most importanly, why do I even care?


I took a seat in my math class on time so my teacher wouldn't give me detention like he had yesterday. I pull out my notebook and a fresh, sharpened pencil and placed them on my desk. I waited for the bell to ring and I noticed Derek wasn't here yet. The teacher began to take a chart and started calling attendance.

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