Chapter One: Reunion

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Chapter One: Reunion.

~One year after events of season 6~

~Spark City~

A young male in a lab coat rushes into an office with a letter. "Dr. Walker!" He calls out as he enters his bosses office only to find said man sound asleep at his desk, having slaved over a blueprint all night. The caramel brunette scientist & inventor snored silently. The young blond male slowly a porches Dr. Walker. "Dr. Walker?" He says as he pokes the male's cheek. Dr. Walker wakes with a start, a small blueprint sticking to his cheek. "Hu? Wha? What's going on?" He asks sleepily. "You have a letter." The blond says. Dr. Walker takes the latter and dismisses his aid with a wave of his hand.

Dr. Walker opens the letter. "Dear Jay, I write you with utter importance. You are once again needed as a ninja. The team must reunite. We need our lightning ninja, so come and fight the good fight. With Faith, Misako."

Jay stands with a determined glint in his eye as the blueprint stays stuck to his face. He glances at the huge blueprint on his desk, not quite finished. He wanted to finish it, but he'd lost his inspiration since he & Nya broke up a month ago.

He rolls up the giant paper and sticks it in a container. He grabs the rest of his things and leaves in his home made privet jet.


Ronin lands the Samurai Mech, with a change that turns the samurai helmet detail into a straw hat with mask, and Nya smiles. As Ronin jumps out in the Samurai-X suit, but a straw hat & mask instead of a helmet, he takes off the mask and smiles at Nya. Nya hugs him. "Good run!" She says happily. Ronin dips her as their lips lock. "Glad to know." He replies as he brings her back up to her feet. Nya rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Now come on, I got a letter from Misako." She says. Ronin chuckles. "What is the letter about?" He asks. "The water ninja is needed once more, so I must go to New Ninjago City to meet everyone." She answers. Ronin nods. "Do they need a samurai two, or am I left in the dust?" He asks. Nya giggles. "That's up to you." She says as she grabs her packed bags. "I think.... Yes." He packs his own bags and puts the mask back on. "Let's take the mech. It'll be faster." He says and she nods in agreement.

~Jig Town~

Cole walks off stage in a traditional quartet outfit along with three other males. He & each of his group mates were children of the Royal Blacksmiths before them. Cole says goodbye to the others and heads home. As he enters into his home his father hands him a letter. "Here you go son. It doesn't say who its from so be careful." Mr. Hence warns. Cole nods, happy to be living with his father. He opens the letter and reads. "Dear Cole, Your strength as the black ninja is needed once more to fight the good fight. A new evil has risen and we need the whole team. With Faith, Misako."

Cole looks to his father with worried & pleading eyes. Mr. Hence nods, looking determined. "Go, son. Ninjago needs you more then I do." He says and Cole smiles before running off to pack. Not bothering to change.


Kai slaves away on the latest weapon he's welding, once again working at Four Weapons. The mail man knocks. Kai looks back. "Yeah?" The fire master says. The elder male hands him a letter. "Here you go fire starter." He says. Kai waves him off and sets the letter on the table. "Read that for me?" He asks as he goes back to work.

Pythor comes out of hiding and opens the letter. "Dear Kai, Ninjago is once again in need of it's red ninja. Please, come back. The team needs you. With Faith, Misako." Pythor reads. Kai sighs. "So, are you going back?" Pythor asks. "I'm not sure." Kai admits.

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