Part one: First Year

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8th November 2016.

A day when every person in every corner of our spherical planet was waiting for the results of the most politically gruesome, most scandalous and, although no self respecting person would admit it, the most entertaining presidential elections of either the best or the worst country in the world. That would depend on a person's view of the world.

For the sixteen year old girl finishing her biology homework, however, the day was as mundane as a vanilla ice cream.

Yes, she was curious about the results, but she had long accepted the fact that it would not directly affect her life.

It was amusing to her how the American media was so shocked by the downright rude and appalling remarks made by the candidates. For was it not what every election was like? Maybe not in the USA. But it was difficult to spot a past election in a history textbook with less than twenty scandals that took place in the country she was a proud citizen of.

Throwing her pencil down after completing a particularly nasty diagram of Fasciola hepatica for her project, she stretched in her chair which had lost one of its armrests in a battle with her friends.

After a few minutes of stretching she walked out of the room to retrieve her life source from her mother, who insisted on possessing it until the time she completed her homework.

Her first action upon getting her phone back was to check for any messages.

And sure enough her best friend had texted her one sentence over and over again forty times in a span of five minutes. All of them sported a glaring 'emergency' in capital letters before the actual sentence began, also in capital letters.


Frowning, she walked into the drawing room with the intention of doing the exact thing the text asked her to.

Upon entering, however, she stopped short and glanced at the wall clock.

It was already eight thirty and would be really difficult to convince her sister to hand over the remote, without any potentially violent activity.

The person in question was glued to the sofa with a spoon hanging from her mouth.

Taking a deep breath, she launched her body towards the remote and quickly clicked the favourite's button before her sister could protest.

Immediately the face of a famous news reporter graced the television, with a background that had lots of money and expensive stones. Although she could not focus on anything but the words that were uttered out of his mouth as soon as his face was on the screen;

"...Just a few minutes ago honourable prime minister announced the demonetisation of five hundred and one thousand rupee currency notes to be put into effect from midnight..."

Hello awesome people!!

First of all, thank you for giving my story a chance. It means a lot.

Second of all, I have decided to not add a cast since actors are usually beautiful people. I imagined my friends while writing this (as much as I love them, we all are normal looking teens) and so I would like you guys to imagine your friends while reading about them.

Thirdly, I would try for weekly updates but if I am late I would inform you.

Fourthly, I haven't mentioned this in in the description but there is mild swearing in this book. I hope everyone is okay with that.

Lastly and most importantly, if you liked the chapter, then please


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Have a nice day

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