Valentine's one-shot: Valentine's Velvet (2017)

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Tyler walked down the street, counting the money he held in his hand.

"Must be enough", he muttered to himself as he pocketed it and kept walking. He saw the small flower shop on the corner of the street.

It's not the flower shop Tyler usually goes to. He goes to another one, but all the red roses were sold out because it was Valentine's Day. He wanted to buy his mother a bouquet of red roses like he did every Valentine's Day, but kinda forgot about Valentine's Day until it was February 14th.

He stopped in front of the small flower shop and smiled. It looked much nicer than the big flower shop he usually went to. He should come here more often.

Tyler loved flowers, so he constantly bought flower bouquets or single flowers to put in his room.

He counted his money once again, because he didn't have much to spend but really wanted to buy the flowers for his mom.

He then walked up to the door and pushed it open. The small bell above the door jingled as he entered. He could hear footsteps approach as he looked around the small shop. He then saw the roses and walked up to them.

Lots of different colored flowers stood next to each other and Tyler smiled. He saw the red roses, but he knew that his mom loved white roses as well. But red roses were more Valentine, right? But white roses reminded his mom of...

"I would pick the pink ones", a voice spoke up.

Tyler startled and jumped a little, quickly looking back. He blushed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you", the boy in front of him said. Tyler laughed sheepishly. "It's okay", he blushed. The boy smiled.

"You'd pick the pink ones, you said?" Tyler asked. The boy nodded. "You'd make your girl happy with romantic yet a little different flowers", he answered.

"What? Oh no I don't have a girl, they're for my mom and I'm gay anyways so- uhm", Tyler blushed as he stopped talking.

"Oh really?" The boy let out a soft laugh. Tyler's blush deepened and he nodded.

"Your boy, then?" He asked. Tyler let out a laugh. "I don't have 'a boy' either", he chuckled. The guy smiled. "Your mom is lucky to have you, then", he said. Tyler giggled. "Thanks", he said.

"So I should pick the pink ones for her? But red is more Valentine's Day, right?" He said. The boy shrugged. "I love the red ones but the pink are... Different. Like, a little more special. Everyone buys red roses but pink is a Valentine's color as well, and it's my favorite color", he said.

"I can see that", Tyler giggled. The boy raised an eyebrow. "How?" He asked. "Your hair", Tyler laughed.

"Oh yeah of course", the guy blushed with a smile as he brought his hand up to his hair, twirled a strand of hair around his finger and pulled it lightly after.

Tyler thought about the colors for a while.

"I should go ask for the price. D'you-" Tyler started.

"$1,25 each rose", Josh replied.

"Oh you know the price? Do you come here often?" Tyler asked as he looked back at the flowers.

"Well yeah I do, I work here", the boy chuckled. Tyler turned around. "Really?? But you're so... Cool", Tyler blushed. It was only then that he saw the small name tag on the boy's chest.


"I had no idea you worked here, Joshua", Tyler giggled. Joshua smiled. "Call me Josh", he told Tyler, when the small bell jingled and another customer entered. Josh went up to an old lady to help her out.

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