New Year's one-shot: New Year, New (boy)Friends (2016)

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There were three things Tyler Joseph absolutely hated:

Large crowds of people, parties, and his bullies.

However, he happened to find himself exactly there:

At a party, with a large crowd of people, including his bullies.

And you may wonder: How did that happen?

Well, the same way it always happened to Tyler Joseph:


The first 99 times he'll say no when his best friend begs him to go with him to a party. And Tyler always says no, because, like always, he'll lose his friend in the crowd somewhere and he'll be alone the whole night, looking for his best friend.

Like now.

Because the 100th time, Tyler would eventually say yes, okay, I'll go with you. He always did. And his best friend knew that.

And now he lost him. Again.

He loved his best friend. He really did. He just wished he wouldn't do this to him every time over and over again.

But honestly, could Tyler really blame his best friend? 'Cause Tyler is the one that could've said no. He's the one that could've refused to go to the party, but he didn't.

Ironically, the party was actually his best friend's New Years Eve party. He hadn't invited Tyler's bullies, of course not. But whenever the popular kids heard about a party, whether they were invited or not, they barged in and weren't planning on leaving.

Tyler sighed as he turned on the tap and filled his glass with water.

Tyler never drank alcohol. He was always sober at parties, didn't think alcohol was necessary to have a good time.

He took a small sip of the water and just wanted to find a place where he could sit and not move for the rest of the night until he could go home a few minutes after twelve.

He turned around, when he bumped into someone and the water gushed out of the glass and on the person's chest.

Tyler's hand went up to his hair as his mouth fell open.

"Oh my god I am so sorry", Tyler mumbled as he grabbed the roll of paper towels, desperately started ripping paper towels off of it and patting on the stain on the person's chest with them.

He braced himself for whatever was about to come: an angry person, someone scolding at him or calling him bad names, or even punching him.

However, that wasn't what happened.

Tyler heard a soft, gentle laugh, and he stopped for a second, before continuing. He still hadn't looked up at the person, he didn't know who it was. He was too scared to do so.

The left hand of the stranger went up to Tyler's wrist and gently, loosely wrapped his hand around it. His right hand went all the way up to Tyler's chin, cupping it and tilting his head up. The boy smiled at Tyler, whose breath caught in his throat.

"Don't worry, it's just water", the stranger smiled as his fingers lingered over Tyler's chin a little too long, before letting go.

"E-ehm, I-I eh... Uhm... Y-you eh... I-I..." Tyler stuttered. The boy smiled. "It was an accident, accidents happen. It's okay", he smiled at Tyler.

"Eh y-yeah it was an accident", Tyler stuttered with a blush. "I'm still sorry, though", he said.

"Nothing to be worried about. You can hardly see it here anyways, since I'm wearing black", he said as he looked down at his black button up blouse with a vertical red stripe next to the buttons.

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