He props his head up on his elbow and looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

I shake my head. "I'm a fairly simple kinda girl. You could take me out on a picnic and please me. You don't have to fly me out to China to just have lunch to keep me happy. All these lavish presents you keep offering are really thoughtful, but I don't want a relationship built off your money. I'm not with you for your money, I'm with you because at genuinely like you. You don't have to keep buying me these fancy things."

Tyler looks at me, " Braelynn, I have the money to buy you things with. I want to buy you things. I want to show my girl off to the world."

I blush. Tyler's girl. "You'll have to put a ring on this before I agree to anything." I say, holding out my left hand.

Tyler smiles, as if he were accepting a challenge. "Lets get ready to go eat dinner."

I slide off the bed and walk over to my suit case. "What should I wear?" I ask over my shoulder as I pull out a simple navy blue and white sun dress from my suitcase.

Tyler walked up behind me and looked at the dress. "I think that'll be fine." He walks back over to his suitcase and shuffles around his clothes, eventually settling on a pair of khaki cargo shorts and a white button up shirt.

I slide on the dress before finding a pair of white flip flops.

Tyler puts on a pair of sperrys and walks into the bathroom to fix his hair.

After about thirty minutes, both Tyler and I are finished getting ready so we make our way to the restaurant.

The restaurant is right on the beach. The patio seats have a perfect view of the beach, and soon the sunset.

Our hostess seats us and Tyler pulls out the seat for me.

I sit and watch Tyler find his way to his seat before sitting down.

The waitress walks over, notepad in hand, to take our orders. In a thick accent she asks for our orders.

"I'll take the arroz con pollo and a pina colada" I blush, knowing I completely mispronounced the dish.

She nods as she writes down my order and collects my menu. "For you, señor?"

Tyler looks over at the waitress with a smile. "I'll have this and a tacate ." He points to the food on the menu.

The waitress blushes and nods. "I'll get those right out."

I hit Tyler's hand on the other side of the table. "She totally has the hots for you." I tease him.

Tyler rolled his eyes and held my hand.

I giggle and start talking about random things with Tyler.

The waitress comes back with our drinks. She sets them down and walks off, but only after she check Tyler out.

I laugh at her as I watch her look over him.

Tyler cocks his head to the side in confusion.

The waitress blushes, as she knows she was caught, and rushes off.

I look back at Tyler and laugh some more. "She was hardcore checking you out."

Tyler shrugs and takes a sip of his beer.

I drink some of my piña colada and shove it over towards Tyler. "Try this."

Tyler shakes his head. "I can't. I'm allergic to pineapple."

"You are? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked, confused.

Tyler shrugs. "I never really thought to tell you. Plus, it's not something you just casually bring up into a conversation." He scratches the back of his neck before reaching for his beer.

I sigh my response and look out at the waves rolling over and crashing into the beach.

~Tyler's POV~

I watch Braelynn look over at the beach and I slowly put my hand in my pocket, rubbing the small, velvet box that was currently burning a hole in my pocket and my mind.

Braelynn looks back and smiles at me. "Thank you for bringing me here."

I shake my head. "You don't need to thank me. You can, but it will get tiring because I'll do things like this for you all the time."

Braelynn's smile widens and she looks back at the beach. Before long she looks back at me, "You know what, Tyler Paul Seguin, you're too much." She declares in a playful tone.

I chuckle and lean back in my chair to look at Braelynn. "Braelynn Grace Carter, you're the love of my life."


It's been a while since I've last updated, and I'm sorry for that. I've been busy with school and other miscellaneous things. 

I'm going to try to get better on updating, but I just keep getting busier and busier. Thank you to all of those who have remained patient with me! 

I can't promise much for this summer because I will be super busy, but I will do my best to update as often as I can!

New Love ~ Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now