Chapter 51

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Its already been a week since Ditya came back to home from hospital. And in all this while Virat never left her side. He has done it all in his power and capability to take care of her and keep her happy all the time and been there for her. She at times got nightmares about the accident and he rocked her back to sleep every time.

One such morning. Ditya was all showered and dressed of curs with the help of his very caring and over protective husband. And waiting for him to get out of the shower so he can carry her down stairs. It was a strict instruction from Virat that she will not move even an inch by her self.

D: Virat I am fine now. Can you please let me move a bit on my own? I mean for how long you are planning to carry me like that?

He came near her and carried her careful while she wrapped her arms around his neck getting lost in his intoxicating fragrance.

V: till my last breath.

And in reflex of his words she placed a soft kiss on his neck. When they reached down stairs he made her sit comfortably on the couch.

V: some one is not able to resist the charm of a hot husband.

Virat said with his world famous smirk.

D: Virat on a serious note I am fine baba please let me move a bit and may be work a bit. I get supper bore and I feel like I am keeping you away from your practice gym and everything.

V: no Mrs. Kohli you are not its me who have chosen to stay away from everything to be with you, be with my wife who is my responsibility and far more important than anything else in this whole entire world. And yeah about you moving around your own and work I will not allow you to do anything until Dr. Saaj allows you.

D: Ok as you say.

She said with a little frown on her face.

They heard the door bell ring and it turn out to be Mira. Who was welcomed by both of them.

D: so Mira how is work?

M: Everything is great. What about you? How are you doing?

Ditya looked at Virat proudly held his hand and said

D: when you have a husband like him, in your life what else you expect. I am doing great. All recovered.

She said with a smile which reached her eyes and that didn’t went unnoticed by Virat he was happy seeing her in the same happy space where she always belongs.

M: you know what you guys make the world believe in love and understanding. Its so good to see such a pure form of love between two people, it so rare these days.

They both blushed to the darkest shade of red listening to that compliment. 

V: I guess… thank you…

Virat Said feeling all shy.

Virat Said feeling all shy

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